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PipeLabel Lisp Help


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My company has this lisp routine that I guess has been used for a long time. It has a few issues for our use and I was hoping to correct them. I am very basic when it comes to lisp so bear with me. With that said I am interested in learning all that I can. First off this is not my routine, The credits are in the file itself.


Ok now to the meat and potatoes, the problems


The routine creates a new textstyle- I want it to use the existing style we use which is RomanS.


The Routine breaks the line it labels, I want to have the Text use a background mask of 1.25 and not break the line.


I want the text to make sure it comes in on the layer of the line it is labeling.


If possible, I want to learn how to alter this routine.


Thank You,



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1st answer do this in code, need a sample dwg to test properly

; (createstyle) stops new text style being created

;(setvar "textstyle" CSTYL) 
(setvar "textstyle" "Romans")

not sure but try this to stop break in line
;(command "_.trim"
;	     (vlax-vla-object->ename ENT1)
;	     ""
;	     ""
;   ) ;_ End command

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Thank you for your time, as I said before I am a little green when it comes to Lisp

I am attaching a few pictures that have questions when related to this Pipelabel Lisp and exactly where to insert these new Code Pieces

Lisp Response 1.png

Lisp Response 2.png

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