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How selecting all points with minimum Z coordinates

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that's the question:

I have several points in my drawing, all I want to do is select the points with the lowest Z coordinate (MIN) and insert a block in that specific points.

Is there any special filter selection using SSGET?

For inserting block in points i found a lots of code.

Thanks again






You mean POINT entity with the lowest Z value? Without knowing the elevation value beforehand, it would be impossible to include a Z value using the SSGET filter. You may have to select ALL points then iterate thru the selectiion one by one.


or are you wanting Z values less than a given elevation? Now this makes more sense.


I try to explain better: you have ,as shown in picture, lots of point in space and also in Z coordinate.

I think you may have two cases:

1) Unique point in (x,y,z) ---> save that point in wanted selection.


For Example: P1 (0, 2, 4) P2 (1, 5, 2) P3 (1, 5, 6) P4 (2, 5, 10)


Select P1, P4; --> ADDSEL


2) Many point with equal x,y, filter selection and save only the one with the lowest value Z.


Example: P1 (0, 2, 4) P2 (1, 5, 2) P3 (1, 5, 6) P4 (2, 5, 10)


Select P2 P3; search for minimum Z, add to selection ony P2. --> ADDSEL


Result: LIST with P1, P2, P4


Maybe comparing the coordinate of the point within two while.


Is that possible?


Maybe comparing the coordinate of the point within two while.

Is that possible?


Yes, That is possible, what i'm saying was it is NOT possible in SSGET filter (below)


Is there any special filter selection using SSGET?


I will write a short code.. hang on... I dont understand item nos. 1


1) Unique point in (x,y,z) ---> save that point in wanted selection.


For Example: P1 (0, 2, 4) P2 (1, 5, 2) P3 (1, 5, 6) P4 (2, 5, 10)


Select P1, P4; --> ADDSEL


There may be points that you cannot compare Z coordinates, for example P1 P4, because they have different x and y.

In that case the points P1 P4 are the lowerest in Z position and they must be added at the selection.

I think the comparison in Z position must be effected only for points with equal x and y coordinates.

Thanks again

Posted (edited)
There may be points that you cannot compare Z coordinates...


we only can filter Z by comparing an assumed minimum value, with rational test =etc..

(defun foo ( opr Z)[color="green"]
; operator: = , /= , < , <= , > , >= etc..
; Z = reference elevation[/color]
(ssget ":L" (mapcar 'cons '( 0 -4 10 )
(list  "POINT" (strcat "*,*," opr) (list 0.0 0.0 Z) )))

(setq ss  ([color="blue"]foo[/color] "[color="red"]<=[/color]" [b]0.0[/b])) [color="green"]; only filter point elevations less than or equal to 0.0 [/color]

Edited by hanhphuc
Thanx Tharwat: remove logical "<AND"



Won't this be enough ? :)


(ssget ":L" (list '(0 . "POINT") (cons -4 (strcat "*,*," opr))(list 10 0.0 0.0 Z)))

we only can filter Z by comparing an assumed minimum value, with rational test =etc..


That is exactly what i meant by this:


Without knowing the elevation value beforehand


So in this case, SSGET filter is out of the window. You need to go through the entire selection to do a comparison. dont have CAD with me right now, but it should be easy :)



Won't this be enough ? :)


(ssget ":L" (list '(0 . "POINT") (cons -4 (strcat "*,*," opr))(list 10 0.0 0.0 Z)))


Thanx Tharwat, 3rd eyes are sharp :lol:

That is exactly what i meant by this:


So in this case, SSGET filter is out of the window. You need to go through the entire selection to do a comparison. dont have CAD with me right now, but it should be easy :)


1+ agree :)

Thanx Tharwat, 3rd eyes are sharp :lol:


Learning C sharp language gives power :P although I am facing lots of obstacles and high jumps on the way but will never give up . :lol:


Try this


(defun c:demo ( / coords pionts i crd a b c addsel)
;;		Selec POINT entities on screen		 	;;
     (if (setq coords nil addsel (ssadd)
               points (ssget '((0 . "POINT"))))

;;	Collect all coordinates of selected POINT entity	;;
(repeat (setq i (sslength points))
               (setq crd (cdr
		(Assoc 10 (entget (setq e (ssname points (setq i (1- i))))))))
               (Setq coords (cons (list
                                        (list (car crd)(cadr crd))
                                        (last crd)  e) coords ))
;;Test for duplicate X Y coordinate and pass to variable ADDSEL;;
(while coords
	(setq a (Car coords))(setq xy (car a))
               (if (Setq b (vl-remove-if-not
                             '(lambda (x) (setq c (Car x))(equal xy c))
			(cdr coords)))
                   	(setq order (vl-sort-i  (setq b (cons a b))
                             '(lambda (m n) (< (cadr m)(cadr n)))))
                       (setq a (nth (vl-position 0 order) b))
                       (setq coords (vl-remove-if '(lambda (o)
                                      (member o b)) coords))
                   (setq coords (cdr coords))
                   (ssadd (last a) Addsel)
     (sssetfirst nil addsel)


Not sure if this is what you want though :unsure:



(ssget ":L" (list '(0 . "POINT") (cons -4 (strcat "*,*," opr))(list 10 0.0 0.0 Z)))


Close enough to my purpose!!

Thanks anyway


Try this


(defun c:demo ( / coords pionts i crd a b c addsel)
;;		Selec POINT entities on screen		 	;;
     (if (setq coords nil addsel (ssadd)
               points (ssget '((0 . "POINT"))))

;;	Collect all coordinates of selected POINT entity	;;
(repeat (setq i (sslength points))
               (setq crd (cdr
		(Assoc 10 (entget (setq e (ssname points (setq i (1- i))))))))
               (Setq coords (cons (list
                                        (list (car crd)(cadr crd))
                                        (last crd)  e) coords ))
;;Test for duplicate X Y coordinate and pass to variable ADDSEL;;
(while coords
	(setq a (Car coords))(setq xy (car a))
               (if (Setq b (vl-remove-if-not
                             '(lambda (x) (setq c (Car x))(equal xy c))
			(cdr coords)))
                   	(setq order (vl-sort-i  (setq b (cons a b))
                             '(lambda (m n) (< (cadr m)(cadr n)))))
                       (setq a (nth (vl-position 0 order) b))
                       (setq coords (vl-remove-if '(lambda (o)
                                      (member o b)) coords))
                   (setq coords (cdr coords))
                   (ssadd (last a) Addsel)
     (sssetfirst nil addsel)


Not sure if this is what you want though :unsure:


WOWWWWW!!! Impressive!!! :shock:

That's exactly what I need!

Thanks pBe


That's exactly what I need!

Thanks pBe


Good for you and You are welcome Miller87 :)

  • 3 years later...

how can i show all Z value in autocad , as i need bellow screen.



Try this. You need to set the textsize to the required size before starting.


(defun c:LABZ ( / ms l_ss cnt ent vtx p_lst txt c_pt)
  (setq ms (vla-get-modelspace (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
  (prompt "\nSelect 3D Lines : ")
  (setq l_ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "POLYLINE") (-4 . "&=") (70 . 8))))

  (repeat (setq cnt (sslength l_ss))
    (setq ent (ssname l_ss (setq cnt (1- cnt)))
          vtx (entnext ent)          
    (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq e_lst (entget vtx)))) "SEQEND")
      (setq p_lst (cons (cdr (assoc 10 e_lst)) p_lst)
            vtx (entnext vtx)
    (foreach pt p_lst
      (setq txt (rtos (caddr pt) 2 3))
      (vla-addtext ms txt (vlax-3d-point pt) (getvar 'textsize))



dlanorh dont forget 3dlines as no dwg can not check. Can do a list of all points sort x&y then remove duplicates so text is not twice.


; sorts on 1st two items
(setq lst (vl-sort lst '(lambda (x y)
((= (cadr x)(cadr y))
(< (car x)(car y)))
((< (cadr x)(cadr y)))

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