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Help Aligning Various Pieces and Setting Coordinates


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Hello all,


I'm trying to align some text blocks and arrows, but I'm having a clumsy time navigating AutoCAD's "features" related to doing this. Quick demo pasted below




I have my text centered, and want to align them to my (red) centerline. But whenever I select two blocks and try to Move them, the "grab handles" go away. If I have a lot of items to move, it's tedious to do one at a time.


On the corner, there is a QuickCalc button where I can pick the exact coordinate I want, but when I try that, it sets ALL coordinates at the same time, where I only want to change the Y.


If I try to calculate an absolute Y-coordinate, then it won't move if I resize the column, so I'd rather not do it that way.


Is there a way I can highlight a bunch of items and just hit a button to "Center all Y-coordinates at [Click here]"?

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From your orientation - I think you might be trying to change the X coordinate of the text? I might be wrong!


Select the text - then in the properties dialogue select the calculate icon corresponding with the 'Text alignment X' field - replace *Varies* with the X coordinate of your line.


That should do it!

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Maybe you need to show what your end result should be as well. If you are trying to move them all at once, and they are already in line with each other, then a simple object snap to the insertion point of one of them will do the trick. You can also change the absolute value of all of one coordinate, if you know what that coordinate needs to be. This works, for example, if you want to place all of the items at zero elevation. You would just select them all then enter 0 for Z. In the case above, they are obviously already all at zero elevation, but it works for the other coordinates as well, and the value can be non-zero.

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No need to grab them first. Use the move command, select multiple text items, hit enter, now use the Insertion Osnap you can do this by typing INS enter or Ctrl+Right Mouse button and select insertion, now pick one of the text items, now move them to the new location with a perpendicular osnap. Type Perp or use the mouse method given above.

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OSNAP and have a look at the options I usually run end mid cen int ins. With perp & near using shift&mouse


You can change your osnaps pretty easy by using shortcuts that change the variable Osmode this holds the value of you current osnap settings. Even manual Osmode 111. Just experiment with various osnaps then do Osmode to see value required.


(defun C:15 ()(setvar "osmode" 15359))   ; sets all snaps on
(defun C:47 ()(setvar "osmode" 47))
(defun C:99 ()(setvar "osmode" 99))
(defun C:8 ()(setvar "osmode" )

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