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Pipe lable lisp


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I am looking for a lisp routine that will place text in a line either horizontal or vertical and break the line around the text. The one I had in Acad 2009 does not work in Acad 2015.




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If you have the original .lisp routine it would be better to add it here, this way people can evaluate and modify your original code.

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Got a lot of command calls in that routine to change. command-s may work, but using vla-startundomark & vla-EndUndoMark instead of command calls for undo would be better code.

Untested modification:

   (command-s "_.-style"
            (* (getvar "dimscale") (distof HGHT))
            (while (= (getvar "cmdnames") "-STYLE") "")
   ) ;_ End command
) ;_ End defun

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Well writing code is lost on me but here is how it used to work.



ppl would start the routine

it would prompt for text height, I would give it a value then hit return

it would prompt for text string info, I would type "t", return

enter my text string, (3"san) for example, return

pick a point on a line (horizontal, vertical or angled) it would place the string in the line and trim.



Is that something you can write?

greatly appreciated.

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The lisp is enormous compared to the task obviously its been written to do a lot more. A simple strlen* fudge factor of the text and a trim would do it.

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Here is a start needs a little bit of refining to do with text styles etc and size of text.


; Text at mid point of a line not will not work correctly 
; with plines of multi segments
; By BIGAL June 2015
(defun C:TextAtMidPoint (/ entItem lstPoint sngDistance ans)
(setq oldsnap (getvar 'osmode))
(setq oldang (getvar 'aunits))
(setq angd (getvar 'angdir))
(setq ans (getstring "Please enter text "))
(setq sngDistance (* (strlen ans) 0.5))
(setvar 'osmode 2)
(setq pt (getpoint "pick line"))
(setq ss (ssget pt))
(setq obj (entget (ssname ss 0)))
(setq startpt (cdr (assoc 10 obj)))
(setq ang (angle pt startpt))  
(vl-cmdf "circle" pt (/ sngDistance 2.0))
(setq entItem (entlast))
(setq lstPoint (getvar "lastpoint"))
(vl-cmdf "trim" entItem "" "Nea" lstPoint "")
(vl-cmdf "erase" entItem "")
(setvar 'aunits 3)
(setvar 'angdir 0)
(vl-cmdf "text" pt ang ans)
(setvar 'osmode oldsnap)
(setvar 'aunits oldang) 
(setvar 'angdir angd) 

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I am looking for a lisp routine that will place text in a line either horizontal or vertical and break the line around the text. The one I had in Acad 2009 does not work in Acad 2015.





Not sure i got you , what type of text you are looking for : Polyline Length , layer name etc,,,

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