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Theoretical and actual Point X and Y differeces!


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I need autolisp that can calculate differences between theoretical point and actualpoint and draw arrows and put x;y values.


NB! Look attachment!


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Subtract your x's and y's?

(defun c:foo (/ s)
 (if (and (setq s (ssget '((0 . "point")))) (= 2 (sslength s)))
   (progn (setq s (mapcar '(lambda (x) (cdr (assoc 10 (entget x))))
		   (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex s)))
   (alert (vl-princ-to-string (mapcar 'abs (mapcar '- (car s) (cadr s)))))

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Something like this?

(defun c:CADTUTOR ( / )
(setq point1 (getpoint "Select first point: "))
(setq point2 (getpoint "Select second point: "))
(command "_DIMLINEAR" point1 point2 "H" point2)
(command "_DIMLINEAR" point1 point2 "V" point2)

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Way to go for lots of points is make a selection set of real points make a selection set of theorectical, you can then check how close the points are using a tolerance, the choice is your then x1,y1 -> x2,y2 = dist to file, on screen or dim like Aftertouch. Also did not find's !

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This is almost that i need but ... can you edit code like this: autolisp draw arrows and differences (mm) end of arrow!


See attachment above!




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Something like this?

(defun c:CADTUTOR ( / )
(setq point1 (getpoint "Select first point: "))
(setq point2 (getpoint "Select second point: "))
(command "_DIMLINEAR" point1 point2 "H" point2)
(command "_DIMLINEAR" point1 point2 "V" point2)




This is almost that i need but ... can you edit code like this: autolisp draw arrows and differences (mm) end of arrow!


See attachment above!




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my attempt have some fun with command call, but may need to

consider osmode angdir mirrtext etc..


;; Make Angle Readable by: ymg  

(defun MakeReadable (a)

 (setq a (rem (+ a pi pi) (+ pi pi)))

 (rem (if (< (* pi 0.5) a (* pi 1.5))

 (+ a pi)



      (+ pi pi)



(defun _mirror (x / en ie) ;*global variable= s & ip 

 ;simply calling standard command "mirror" to manipulate or flip the reference annotation

   (cons 'progn

  (list	(cons 'setq '(ie 0))

	(cons 'repeat

	      (list (sslength s)

		    (cons 'vl-cmdf

			  (list	"_.mirror"

				'(setq en (ssname s ie))


				(cons 'list ip)

				(cons 'polar (list (cons 'list ip) x 1.0))




		    (cons 'setq '(ie (1+ ie)))





   ) ;_ end of defun

(defun delta (p1 p2 ip / xy id dxy s i a l e)


     (setq xy     '((p) (list (car p) (cadr p)))

    id	(mapcar	''((x) (equal x (apply 'mapcar (cons '>= (mapcar 'xy (list p2 p1))))))

		'((T T) (nil T) (nil nil) (T nil))



    dxy	(mapcar '- p1 p2)


    s	(apply ''((txh pt dX dY / ss next ro yd p) 

		  (setvar 'osmode 0) 



		   (getvar 'ucsydir)




		     (equal (car yd) 0.0 1e-10)


		     (atan (/ (car yd) (cadr yd)))





 ; Draw arrow by standard command: PLINE 



		   (list (car pt) (+ (cadr pt) (* 2. txh)))



		   (* 0.3 txh)

		   (list (car pt) (+ (cadr pt) txh))








		   (list (+ (car pt) txh) (cadr pt))


		   (* 0.3 txh)


		   (list (+ (car pt) (* 2. txh)) (cadr pt))


		   ) ; command


		  (setq next (ssadd))






		     ''((a b c d)




			  '(0 1 8 10 11 40 50 62 72 73) 

			  (list "TEXT" a "DIFF" (setq p (polar (trans pt 1 0) (- b ro) c)) p txh (- d ro) 256 1 2)




		     (list dY dX)

		     (list  (* pi 0.5) 0.) 

		     (list (* 4.0 txh) (* 4.0 txh)) 

		     (list (* pi 0.5) 0.0)


		     ) ; mapcar  

		    ) ; vl-list* 

		   (ssadd ss next)




	       (vl-list* (getvar 'textsize)


			 (mapcar ''((f) (rtos (abs (* (f dxy) 1000.)) 2 0)) (list car cadr))




     (eval (cons 'cond

	  (vl-list* (list (nth 0 id) T)

		    (mapcar ''((a b)


				(setq i (nth a id))

				(_mirror b)


				 (and i (nth 2 id))

				 (_mirror (* pi 0.5))




			    '(1 2 3)

			    (list (* pi 0.5) 0.0 pi)




    ) ;eval

    (repeat (setq i (sslength s))

   (setq e (ssname s (setq i (1- i)))

  l (entget e)

  a (cdr (assoc 50 l))


   (if	(assoc 1 l)

     (entmod (subst (cons 50 (MakeReadable a)) (assoc 50 l) l))


   ) ;repeat


(defun c:dxy (/ p1 p2 p3 )


 (while (and (setq p1 (getpoint "\rTheoretical point..       "))

      (setq p2 (getpoint p1 "\rActual point..            "))

      (setq p3 (getpoint p2 "\rPlacing arrow..           "))


   (delta p1 p2 p3)




Edited by hanhphuc
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(defun c:foo (/ _text d p1 p2 s)
 (defun _text (p h s)
   (entmakex (list '(0 . "TEXT")
	    '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
	    '(67 . 0)
	    '(62 . 1)
	    '(8 . "text")
	    '(100 . "AcDbText")
	    (cons 10 p)
	    (cons 40
		  (if (> (getvar 'dimscale) 0)
		    (* h (getvar 'dimscale))
	    (cons 1 (vl-princ-to-string s))
	    '(50 . 0.0)
	    '(41 . 1.0)
	    '(51 . 0.0)
	    '(7 . "Standard")
	    '(71 . 0)
	    '(72 . 1)
	    (cons 11 p)
	    '(100 . "AcDbText")
	    '(73 . 2)
 (if (setq s (ssget '((0 . "point"))))
   (progn (setq s (mapcar '(lambda (x) (cdr (assoc 10 (entget x))))
		   (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex s)))
	 s (vl-sort s '(lambda (a b) (< (cadr a) (cadr b))))
   (while (cadr s)
     (setq p1 (car s))
       p2 (car (vl-sort (setq s (cdr s)) '(lambda (a b) (< (distance p1 a) (distance p1 b)))))
     (setq d (mapcar 'abs (mapcar '- p1 p2)))
     (entmakex (list '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE")
		     '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
		     '(67 . 0)
		     '(62 . 
		     '(8 . "difference")
		     '(100 . "AcDbPolyline")
		     '(90 . 3)
		     (cons 10 p1)
		     (cons 10 (list (car p2) (cadr p1)))
		     (cons 10 p2)
     (_text p1 0.1 (car d))
     (_text p2 0.1 (cadr d))
     (setq s (vl-remove p2 s))


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my attempt have some fun with command call, but may need to

consider osmode angdir mirrtext etc..


[color="green"];; Make Angle Readable by: ymg  [/color]
(defun MakeReadable (a)
 (setq a (rem (+ a pi pi) (+ pi pi)))
 (rem (if (< (* pi 0.5) a (* pi 1.5))
 (+ a pi)
      (+ pi pi)

(defun _mirror (x / en ie)[color="green"] ;*global variable= s & ip[/color] 
[color="green"] ;simply calling standard command "mirror" to manipulate or flip the reference annotation[/color]
   (cons 'progn
  (list	(cons 'setq '(ie 0))
	(cons 'repeat
	      (list (sslength s)
		    (cons 'vl-cmdf
			  (list	"_.mirror"
				'(setq en (ssname s ie))
				(cons 'list ip)
				(cons 'polar (list (cons 'list ip) x 1.0))
		    (cons 'setq '(ie (1+ ie)))
   ) ;_ end of defun

(defun delta (p1 p2 ip / xy id dxy s i a l e)
     (setq xy     '((p) (list (car p) (cadr p)))
    id	(mapcar	''((x) (equal x (apply 'mapcar (cons '>= (mapcar 'xy (list p2 p1))))))
		'((T T) (nil T) (nil nil) (T nil))
    dxy	(mapcar '- p1 p2)
    s	(apply ''((txh pt dX dY / ss next ro yd p) 
		  (setvar 'osmode 0) 
		   (getvar 'ucsydir)
		     (equal (car yd) 0.0 1e-10)
		     (atan (/ (car yd) (cadr yd)))
[color="green"] ; Draw arrow by standard command: PLINE [/color]
		   (list (car pt) (+ (cadr pt) (* 2. txh)))
		   (* 0.3 txh)
		   (list (car pt) (+ (cadr pt) txh))
		   (list (+ (car pt) txh) (cadr pt))
		   (* 0.3 txh)
		   (list (+ (car pt) (* 2. txh)) (cadr pt))
		   ) ; command
		  (setq next (ssadd))
		     ''((a b c d)
			  '(0 1 8 10 11 40 50 62 72 73) 
			  (list "TEXT" a "DIFF" (setq p (polar (trans pt 1 0) (- b ro) c)) p txh (- d ro) 256 1 2)
		     (list dY dX)
		     (list  (* pi 0.5) 0.) 
		     (list (* 4.0 txh) (* 4.0 txh)) 
		     (list (* pi 0.5) 0.0)
		     ) ; mapcar  
		    ) ; vl-list* 
		   (ssadd ss next)
	       (vl-list* (getvar 'textsize)
			 (mapcar ''((f) (rtos (abs (* (f dxy) 1000.)) 2 0)) (list car cadr))
     (eval (cons 'cond
	  (vl-list* (list (nth 0 id) T)
		    (mapcar ''((a b)
				(setq i (nth a id))
				(_mirror b)
				 (and i (nth 2 id))
				 (_mirror (* pi 0.5))
			    '(1 2 3)
			    (list (* pi 0.5) 0.0 pi)
    ) ;eval
    (repeat (setq i (sslength s))
   (setq e (ssname s (setq i (1- i)))
  l (entget e)
  a (cdr (assoc 50 l))
   (if	(assoc 1 l)
     (entmod (subst (cons 50 (MakeReadable a)) (assoc 50 l) l))
   ) ;repeat


(defun c:test (/ p1 p2 p3 )

 (while (and (setq p1 (getpoint "\rTheoretical point..       "))
      (setq p2 (getpoint p1 "\rActual point..            "))
      (setq p3 (getpoint p2 "\rPlacing arrow..           "))
   (delta p1 p2 p3)




This is olmosta done but, is it possible edit code like this: activ osnap stay ON and number is always same direction!




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