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changing properties of objects within a block

K Baden

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On 12/24/2021 at 12:32 AM, vuxvix said:

Hi! @ Lee Mac @ dlanorh

i am looking for a solution for changing the color of the objects in the block. I have tried both lisp (CTA, Blockprops). Both lisp do not change color : By layer to by block. I put up an example of the blocks I'm working on. Looking forward to help, Thanks

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This will change attribute colours http://www.lee-mac.com/attributecolour.html - My CAD is off for the holidays so not sure if this will help you?

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You could try this: 


"attred" and will set the block objects to colour "10" (red), however it won't change any nested blocks definitions, just change their colour (so if that nested block is drawn using Green lines it will show as green, if it is drawn using "ByBlock" coloured lines it will show as red (or whatever colour you set this to be)


Please note that I copied and pasted a lot of this but I didn't note where I took the original parts from, if the originator reads this, thanks I use this all the time, but let me know so I can credit you accordingly.


(defun c:attred (/ myblocklayer myblockcolour myblocklineweight myblocklinetype)
  (setq myblocklayer "0")
  (setq myblockcolour 10)
  (setq myblocklineweight aclnwtbyblock)
  (setq myblocklinetype "byblock")
  (mynorm myblocklayer myblockcolour myblocklineweight myblocklinetype)

(defun mynorm (myblocklayer myblockcolour myblocklineweight myblocklinetype / *error* adoc lst_layer func_restore-layers)
  (defun *error* (msg)
    (vla-endundomark adoc)
    (princ msg)
  ) ;_ end of defun

  (defun func_restore-layers ()
    (foreach item lst_layer
      (vla-put-lock (car item) (cdr (assoc "lock" (cdr item))))
        '(lambda ()
             (car item)
             (cdr (assoc "freeze" (cdr item)))
           ) ;_ end of vla-put-freeze
         ) ;_ end of lambda
      ) ;_ end of vl-catch-all-apply
    ) ;_ end of foreach
  ) ;_ end of defun

    (setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  ) ;_ end of vla-startundomark

  (if (and (not (vl-catch-all-error-p
          (setq selset
                (lambda ()
                  (ssget '((0 . "INSERT")))
                ) ;_ end of lambda
              ) ;_ end of function
            ) ;_ end of vl-catch-all-apply
          ) ;_ end of setq
       ) ;_ end of vl-catch-all-error-p
      ) ;_ end of not
    ) ;_ end of and
      (vlax-for item (vla-get-layers adoc)
          lst_layer (cons (list item
                (cons "lock" (vla-get-lock item))
                (cons "freeze" (vla-get-freeze item))
              ) ;_ end of list
          ) ;_ end of cons
        ) ;_ end of setq
        (vla-put-lock item :vlax-false)
          '(lambda () (vla-put-freeze item :vlax-false))
        ) ;_ end of vl-catch-all-apply
      ) ;_ end of vlax-for
      (foreach blk_def
            (lambda (x)
              (vla-item (vla-get-blocks adoc) x)
            ) ;_ end of lambda
          ) ;_ end of function
          ((lambda (/ res)
              (foreach item (mapcar
                  (lambda (x)
                      (vlax-ename->vla-object x)
                    ) ;_ end of vla-get-name
                  ) ;_ end of lambda
                ) ;_ end of function
                ((lambda (/ tab item)
                    (repeat (setq tab  nil
                        item (sslength selset)
                      ) ;_ end setq
                          (ssname selset
                            (setq item (1- item))
                          ) ;_ end of ssname
                        ) ;_ end of cons
                      ) ;_ end of setq
                    ) ;_ end of repeat
                  ) ;_ end of lambda
              ) ;_ end of mapcar
              (if (not (member item res))
                (setq res (cons item res))
              ) ;_ end of if
              ) ;_ end of foreach
              (reverse res)
            ) ;_ end of lambda
        ) ;_ end of mapcar
        (vlax-for ent blk_def

;;Sets the block attributes
;;add in here other attributes to change
          (vla-put-layer ent myblocklayer)
          (vla-put-color ent myblockcolour)
          (vla-put-lineweight ent myblocklineweight)
;;          (vla-put-linetype ent myblocklinetype)
;;end of setting up block attributes

        ) ;_ end of vlax-for
      ) ;_ end of foreach
      (vla-regen adoc acallviewports)
    ) ;_ end of progn
  ) ;_ end of if
  (vla-endundomark adoc)
) ;_ end of defun


Edited by Steven P
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Hi! Steven P
Thank you for this lisp. I tried using it and it works as expected.
I have 2 problems with this lisp:
-Because the desired color is not 10. I tried fixing: (setq myblockcolour 10) to (setq myblockcolour "ByBlock"). but it doesn't work. I think setting it to by block is easier to customize. Is that possible!?
-The block I sent in the example does not contain nested blocks. So why can't it change the color using McLee and Dlanorh's lisp?
Thanks, have a good new year

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3 hours ago, vuxvix said:



You understand that (setq myblockcolour 10) is red and want to change it to Byblock? lisp typically only use numbers for colors. You can see all the different colors #'s use this.


(acad_colordlg 1)


Their are also 7 colors you can call by their name like red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta, white


@BIGAL is giving you the answer.

(setq myblockcolour 0) ;= Byblock
(setq myblockcolour 256) ;= Bylayer
(setq myblockcolour (acad_colordlg 1)) ;user can pick the color each time the lisp is ran


Edited by mhupp
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I added your function snippet and it worked as expected. Thank you very much!
Ps: I understand it's a suggestion by Bigal. But it is only valid for those who understand about lisp.

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1 hour ago, vuxvix said:

I added your function snippet and it worked as expected. Thank you very much!
Ps: I understand it's a suggestion by Bigal. But it is only valid for those who understand about lisp.


But here is a great place to learn a bit more about it

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  • 2 years later...

Hi @Tharwat @Lee Mac @dlanorh @mhupp

Lets say I have a normal Block containing a dimension inside it then I modified the dimstyle but the changes don't apply to the dimensions inside this block till i open the block editor the dimensions get updated.

My Question here is there any lisp to apply dimstyle update to dimensions inside ablock without entering the block itself or selecting the dimensions even if they are inside the block and apply the dimstyle update myself ?


Thanks for you support

Ahmed Hisham

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