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How to make Profile Pipe Lines thick?


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I'm really scratching my head on this one.  I've figured out how to make the plane view pipe lines thicker for this municipality we're working for, but I'm stumped on how to make the profile pipe lines thick.  And I mean really thick.  It looks like they require 1mm thick lines for the proposed pipe.  I have to use their CTB and color assignments so I can't just edit the ctb or change the layer's color for the pipe.  Is there any way of make it look thick by using the style?  I've dug around and so far I haven't found a way.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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If I remember correctly, you can turn on outer and inner walls of the pipe and specify a hatch for the wall. With a solid hatch, or a sufficiently dense one, you might get the result you want. Assuming, of course, you're not showing the inner walls already, and you don't need the true value of the pipe thickness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've sort of got this wall thickness thing working.  However I want the profile walls always drawn in at 60mm.  Unfortunately if I just hatch the walls, it tends to vary depending on the size of pipe.  Is there any way to consistently get the top and bottom of pipe walls in profile to be 60mm lines?  I can't do anything about my lineweights as I'm sort of locked into this ctb and layer scheme by the municipality I'm working for.  I'm hoping there's something I've overlooked that will allow me the flexibility of changing the pipe wall thickness to be consistently drawn at 60mm no matter the size of pipe or actual wall thickness in pipe builder.



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