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VBA - Mtext properties "defined height" and "Position Y"


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I'm facing a problem while extracting properties from Mtext's.

How can we extract "defined height" and "Position Y" with VBA-code?
Normal height, width, text i don't have problems, but those 2 that i need, i can't find a way.


Can someone help me a little bit?



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Here the code

Sub SelectionSetFilterText()
    Dim MySelection As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim filterType(1) As Integer ' DIM to (0) if Not LAYER filter Applied in Selection Set
    Dim filterData(1) As Variant ' DIM to (0) if Not LAYER filter Applied in Selection Set
    Dim MyX, MyY, MyZ, MyWidth, MyHeight, MyWidth As Double
	Dim MyText As Variant
    Dim MyPosition() As Double
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0

    For Each MySelection In ThisDrawing.SelectionSets
        If MySelection.Name = "PP1" Then
        End If

    Set MySelection = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("PP1")
    filterType(0) = 0
    filterData(0) = "TEXT,MTEXT"
    filterData(1) = "TAG"                            'LAYER NAME SELECTION, DELETE IF DIM SET TO 0
    MySelection.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , filterType, filterData
    For Each DWGSearchText In MySelection                          ' For Each Text find in the model space selection
    If DWGSearchText.Layer = "TAG" Then
        If TypeOf DWGSearchText Is AcadText Or TypeOf DWGSearchText Is AcadMText Then
            Debug.Print DWGSearchText.TextString
            ReDim MyPosition(UBound(DWGSearchText.InsertionPoint))
            MyPosition = DWGSearchText.InsertionPoint
            MyX = MyPosition(0)
            MyY = MyPosition(1)
            MyZ = MyPosition(2)
            MyHeight = DWGSearchText.Height
            MyText = DWGSearchText.TextString
            MyWidth = DWGSearchText.Width
            'Do something here
        End If
    End If

End Sub

Let me know if you will have any issue.

Concerning the DEFINED HEIGHT I do not understand what you mean. With the above code you will have the text height (See MyHeight variable)

Edited by PeterPan9720
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On 3/10/2020 at 11:56 PM, PeterPan9720 said:

Here the code

Sub SelectionSetFilterText()
    Dim MySelection As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim filterType(1) As Integer ' DIM to (0) if Not LAYER filter Applied in Selection Set
    Dim filterData(1) As Variant ' DIM to (0) if Not LAYER filter Applied in Selection Set
    Dim MyX, MyY, MyZ, MyWidth, MyHeight, MyWidth As Double
	Dim MyText As Variant
    Dim MyPosition() As Double
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0

    For Each MySelection In ThisDrawing.SelectionSets
        If MySelection.Name = "PP1" Then
        End If

    Set MySelection = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("PP1")
    filterType(0) = 0
    filterData(0) = "TEXT,MTEXT"
    filterData(1) = "TAG"                            'LAYER NAME SELECTION, DELETE IF DIM SET TO 0
    MySelection.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , filterType, filterData
    For Each DWGSearchText In MySelection                          ' For Each Text find in the model space selection
    If DWGSearchText.Layer = "TAG" Then
        If TypeOf DWGSearchText Is AcadText Or TypeOf DWGSearchText Is AcadMText Then
            Debug.Print DWGSearchText.TextString
            ReDim MyPosition(UBound(DWGSearchText.InsertionPoint))
            MyPosition = DWGSearchText.InsertionPoint
            MyX = MyPosition(0)
            MyY = MyPosition(1)
            MyZ = MyPosition(2)
            MyHeight = DWGSearchText.Height
            MyText = DWGSearchText.TextString
            MyWidth = DWGSearchText.Width
            'Do something here
        End If
    End If

End Sub

Let me know if you will have any issue.

Concerning the DEFINED HEIGHT I do not understand what you mean. With the above code you will have the text height (See MyHeight variable)


Hi PeterPan9720,

The Position Y i got it. Thanks to you!

The defined height is not the text height.

It specifies the defined height of the MText, in other words, the height of the box forming the outer boundary of the MText.
I'm still trying to find a way to get this...

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32 minutes ago, RS_Chip said:


Hi PeterPan9720,

The Position Y i got it. Thanks to you!

The defined height is not the text height.

It specifies the defined height of the MText, in other words, the height of the box forming the outer boundary of the MText.
I'm still trying to find a way to get this...

Ok I understand, 

I'm not sure but you can try with :


GetBoundingBox Method (ActiveX)


object.GetBoundingBox MinPoint, MaxPoint




Method should return the bounding box around the object.

MinPoint, MaxPoint represent set of x,y,z coords of lower left upper right corner.

Edited by PeterPan9720
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due to I'm curious, I tried a simple DWG with MTEXT on 2 lines, and bounding box

Starting from the above routine I added the below code, after Mtext Object selection on DWG.

So if you need the defined height, in the same way of previous object insertion point, you can retrive only Y values of MinPoint and MaxPoint and calculate the difference between retrieved Y value from MinPoint and MaxPoint.


            DWGSearchText.GetBoundingBox MinPoint, MaxPoint
            Set Dline = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(MinPoint, MaxPoint)
            MyXMaxPoint = MaxPoint(0)
            MyYMaxPoint = MaxPoint(1)
            MyZMaxPoint = MaxPoint(2)
            MyXMinPoint = MinPoint(0)
            MyYMinPoint = MinPoint(1)
            MyZMinPoint = MinPoint(2)
            DifferenceY = MyYMaxPoint - MyYMinPoint
            DifferenceX = MyXMaxPoint - MyXMinPoint

and the line traced starting from Bounding Box coords received it has exactly dimensions of MTEXT frame.

So if you check the value of DifferenceX it's exactly the DX of line traced, and equal to MTEXT  Defined Width of course DifferenceY should be the Defined height, even if you check the properties on drawing this is to 0 and I don't know why.


See attached dwg.

Let me know.


Edited by PeterPan9720
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4 hours ago, PeterPan9720 said:


due to I'm curious, I tried a simple DWG with MTEXT on 2 lines, and bounding box

Starting from the above routine I added the below code, after Mtext Object selection on DWG.

So if you need the defined height, in the same way of previous object insertion point, you can retrive only Y values of MinPoint and MaxPoint and calculate the difference between retrieved Y value from MinPoint and MaxPoint.


            DWGSearchText.GetBoundingBox MinPoint, MaxPoint
            Set Dline = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(MinPoint, MaxPoint)
            MyXMaxPoint = MaxPoint(0)
            MyYMaxPoint = MaxPoint(1)
            MyZMaxPoint = MaxPoint(2)
            MyXMinPoint = MinPoint(0)
            MyYMinPoint = MinPoint(1)
            MyZMinPoint = MinPoint(2)
            DifferenceY = MyYMaxPoint - MyYMinPoint
            DifferenceX = MyXMaxPoint - MyXMinPoint

and the line traced starting from Bounding Box coords received it has exactly dimensions of MTEXT frame.

So if you check the value of DifferenceX it's exactly the DX of line traced, and equal to MTEXT  Defined Width of course DifferenceY should be the Defined height, even if you check the properties on drawing this is to 0 and I don't know why.


See attached dwg.

Let me know.

Bounding.dwg 148.31 kB · 0 downloads

Hello PeterPan9720,

Once more you save the day.

I can get everything i want now. Thank you very much.

Its 0 in the properties, because for the property "Columns" = "Dynamic" you have in the options "Manual Height" selected. If you change it to "Auto Height", it will show the correct height.
Thank you!

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17 minutes ago, RS_Chip said:

Hello PeterPan9720,

Once more you save the day.

I can get everything i want now. Thank you very much.

Its 0 in the properties, because for the property "Columns" = "Dynamic" you have in the options "Manual Height" selected. If you change it to "Auto Height", it will show the correct height.
Thank you!


Your welcome, I don't know the reason because the Defined Width and Height seems not accessible from MTEXT VBA Properties, however I'm happy you solved your issue. And in the same time I discovered some missing features with MTEXT.


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