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Navigation Tools changed after Rendering/Turning Sky, Sun and View into Perspective

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Good Day, I have been filled with despair ever since this morning because My CAD project suddenly swapped my normal commands (Shift + Middle mouse button = pan) into Orbittransparent and swiveltransparent after playing with render, The navigation tools got stuck to swivel and Orbit even on parallel, It is really annoying because My project is Due March 31 and I can't seem to work on it properly, It would be really great if I can get immediate help :^)! I have tried the following:
Restoring the user preference to default
Restoring Autocad 20XX to default

Hopefully I would not need to reinstall, Surely there should be a command to Bring the keys back to normal right?

Regards, Volungram


After checking which tools get called using TPNAVIGATE, I have found that all of them had 3d in the name so I might have accidentally set something to 1?

shift + Middle mouse uses '_3DORBITTRANSPARENT 

ctrl + Middle Mouse uses '_3DSWIVELTRANSPARENT 
Middle Mouses just pans

I really really need help, I can't get the navigation setting back to the way it was, I miss my old settings but even after reseting it to default, nothing happens, Please

9 hours ago, Volungram said:

shift + Middle mouse uses '_3DORBITTRANSPARENT 

ctrl + Middle Mouse uses '_3DSWIVELTRANSPARENT 
Middle Mouses just pans


What you're describing is the normal default behavior of the middle mouse with shift and ctrl. What do you mean by your "old settings"? How did you navigate previously?


Like Cad64 said that's the default behavior. 

You can change it in the CUI under Mouse Buttons → Shift+Click Button 3: Transparent Orbit and Ctrl+Click Button 3: Transparent Swivel

It may have happened with an update that modified the CUIX file, just running a command would not have changed it.

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