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Late binding VBA for Excel - Extract Properties


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Good day, could you please help me converting this code (late binding) so that it can work to most versions of AutoCAD without referencing a specific acx##enu.tlb?


Sub ExportLine()
    Dim acadApp As Object
    Dim acadDoc As Object
    Dim currentSelectionSet As Object
    Dim ent As Object
    Dim oLine As Object
    Dim n As Long
    Dim intGroupCode(0) As Integer
    Dim varDataCode(0) As Variant

    Set acadApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")
    Set acadDoc = acadApp.ActiveDocument

intGroupCode(0) = 0
varDataCode(0) = "Line"


Set currentSelectionSet = acadDoc.SelectionSets.Add("Lne")

     n = 1

    For Each ent In currentSelectionSet


        If TypeOf ent Is AcadLine Then 'This line is a problem


            Set oLine = ent

            Cells(n, 1) = oLine.StartPoint(0)
            Cells(n, 2) = oLine.StartPoint(1)
            Cells(n, 3) = oLine.StartPoint(2)
            Cells(n, 4) = oLine.EndPoint(0)
            Cells(n, 5) = oLine.EndPoint(1)
            Cells(n, 6) = oLine.EndPoint(2)

        End If

    Set acadApp = Nothing
    Set acadDoc = Nothing

      MsgBox "Done"

Exit Sub


Edited by Bª™ªN1534592500
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Reading your post seems you are developing above procedure inside Excel Vba module it's correct ? 

Could you try to do the opposite, developing the procedure inside Autodesk VBA module so you will be use the last version of autocad, selecting the object you need to pass info to excel and so on.

This is only a first impression, or suggestion. I'll try to run your code and see what's happen.



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I tried your code with Autocad Mechanical 2019 and Excel 2016, inside Excel VBA development area, inserting also a user form with optionbutton, making below modification it seems to run.

I tried also to change line color and working fine cell color background on excel.

I made some modification to variable declaration.

In a first time I had some problem retrieving line Start and End points coords, later I made a modification Variable Declaration and it's running fine.

I suggest to check if the object inside "ent" variable it's really a line (perhaps could be a polyline).

Dim acadApp As Object
    Dim acadDoc As AcadDocument
    Dim currentSelectionSet As Object
    Dim ent As Object
    Dim oLine As AcadLine

For your info below image with reference library in Execl Project



Finally I don't understand what do you want to do with :

If UserForm1.OptionButton2.Value = True Then
currentSelectionSet.Select acSelectionSetPrevious, , , intGroupCode, varDataCode 'This line is a problem
currentSelectionSet.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , intGroupCode, varDataCode 'This line is a problem


Edited by PeterPan9720
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Thanks for your reply PeterPan.

I would like to distribute the spreadsheet which should work for all versions of AutoCAD which is why I am avoiding to reference a specific AutoCAD library.  I don't like to create multiple copies of spreadsheet and only changes are the reference from different AutoCAD versions.  By the way, I am locking the VBA project which is why the user cannot change the reference.


The original code was referenced to AutoCAD 2018 and it was working fine.  But when I try to use late binding (eg. Changing Dim acadDoc as AcadDocument to Object, etc) and remove the AutoCAD 2018 Type Library, it doesn't work.


With regards to the acSelectionSetPrevious, this was from a very old version of AutoCAD.  I believe there was a bug in getting the active selection which is why I did this work around.

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4 minutes ago, Bª™ªN1534592500 said:

Thanks for your reply PeterPan.

I would like to distribute the spreadsheet which should work for all versions of AutoCAD which is why I am avoiding to reference a specific AutoCAD library.  I don't like to create multiple copies of spreadsheet and only changes are the reference from different AutoCAD versions.  By the way, I am locking the VBA project which is why the user cannot change the reference.


The original code was referenced to AutoCAD 2018 and it was working fine.  But when I try to use late binding (eg. Changing Dim acadDoc as AcadDocument to Object, etc) and remove the AutoCAD 2018 Type Library, it doesn't work.


With regards to the acSelectionSetPrevious, this was from a very old version of AutoCAD.  I believe there was a bug in getting the active selection which is why I did this work around.


Ok I understand your issue, but at least something shall be fixed if other software are variable and in my opinion this shall be Autocad.

As alternative I'm searching a trick to avoid to be tied with Autocad library version, but I'm not sure. I'll keep you updated.

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On 4/20/2020 at 7:26 PM, PeterPan9720 said:


Ok I understand your issue, but at least something shall be fixed if other software are variable and in my opinion this shall be Autocad.

As alternative I'm searching a trick to avoid to be tied with Autocad library version, but I'm not sure. I'll keep you updated.


Hi @Bª™ªN1534592500,

here the code for retrieving active project reference, so starting from active reference library you can select type of declaration before starting the selection part of your code

For Each Ref In ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.References
    RefName = Ref.Name
    Debug.Print "REF NAME "; RefName
    RefDesc = Ref.Description
    Debug.Print "DESCRIPTION "; RefDesc
    RefPath = Ref.FullPath
    Debug.Print "PATH "; RefPath

I hope this could solve probably only some of your issue.

However I'll investigate more.

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