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Please help me with my lisp


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Hi all, 

I am trying to export attributes to existing excel with below script. I don't know the reason it writes only the "PART_1" attribute value but not the sum of quantity attribute values. Can anyone help me to get the values into excel.

I believe have some problem with below part in my script. I am a basic scripter not sure how to fix the issue.


(if (and a b)
(if (assoc a lst)
(setq lst (subst (cons a (+ b (cdr (assoc a lst)))) (assoc a lst) lst))
(setq lst (cons (cons a b) lst))
);; if
(setq a nil b nil)
);; progn
);; if

When I use the above code in my script I am getting the values in the below format

(("PART01" . 6.0)("PART02" . 4.0)("PART03" . 3.5))

I believe if the list comes in below format the values might extract to excel.

(("PART01" . "6.0")("PART02" . "4.0")("PART03" . "3.5"))




;;Main script  how I listed the entities;;

;; Block have multiple attributes but only two attributes required to extract;;;


(setq s1 (ssget "_x"(list '(0 . "INSERT")'(2 . "Machine,`**")'(66 . 1)(cons 410 (getvar 'CTAB)))))

(setq i (sslength s1))
(setq hnd (ssname s1 (setq i (1- i))))
(setq ent (entget hnd))
(setq attlst nil)
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object hnd))
(setq attlst (vlax-invoke obj 'GetAttributes));; setq
(foreach att attlst
(cond ((and (= (strcase (vla-get-TagString att)) "PART_1")
(/= (vla-get-TextString att) ""))
(setq a (vla-get-TextString att))
((and (= (strcase (vla-get-TagString att)) "Quantity")
(/= (vla-get-TextString att) ""))
(setq b (atof (vla-get-TextString att)))
);; cond
);; foreach

(if (and a b)
(if (assoc a lst)
(setq lst(subst (cons a (+ b (cdr (assoc a lst)))) (assoc a lst) lst))
(setq lst (cons (cons a b) lst))
);; if
(setq a nil b nil)
);; progn
);; if

);; repeat

(if lst
(setq lst (vl-sort lst (function (lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b))))))
(setq i 0)

(setq tmp_lst (reverse lst))

(setq sel_lst (cons '("PART NAME." "Quantity") sel_lst))
(setq sel_lst (append sel_lst lst))


(gc:WriteExcel file nil nil sel_lst)



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I know some people like dotted pairs in this case not sure why not just make a list of 2 items can set a nil to say "-"


(("PART01"  6.0)("PART02"   4.0)("PART03"   3.5))


(("PART01"  "6.0")("PART02"  "4.0")("PART03"  "3.5"))


so (nth x masterlist = ("PART01"  "6.0")

so (nth 0 (nth x masterlist ="PART01"

so (nth 1 (nth x masterlist = 6.0


(setq lst (cons (list a b) lst))

(("part01" 6.0))


(setq lst (cons (list a (rtos b 2 2)) lst))

(("part01" "6")) ; note integer as no decimal value.


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Thank you for your reply Bigal. Still no luck . Coming an error like in the below format


error : bad argument type <("6")> ; expected <NUMBER> at [+]


I have only updated below part in my script. is it correct?

(setq lst (cons (list a (rtos b 2 2)) lst))

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Hi all , any update on my query. I am still searching in internet to find a solution for my query but I couldn't. Please someone can help me to resolve my issue.

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haven't looked at the complete code but this isn't gonna work : (= (strcase (vla-get-TagString att)) "Quantity")


try this

(defun c:savinirsb4u  (/ s1 i hnd ent attlst att a b lst temp_lst sel_lst file)
  (setq file "c:\\Temp\\savinirsb4u.xlsx"); put your own filename here
  (setq s1 (ssget "_x" (list '(0 . "INSERT") '(2 . "Machine,`**") '(66 . 1) (cons 410 (getvar 'CTAB)))))
    (setq i (sslength s1))
    (setq hnd (ssname s1 (setq i (1- i))))
    (setq ent (entget hnd))
    (setq attlst nil)
    (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object hnd))
    (setq attlst (vlax-invoke obj 'GetAttributes))
    (foreach att attlst
        ((and (= (strcase (vla-get-TagString att)) "PART_1")  (/= (vla-get-TextString att) ""))(setq a (vla-get-TextString att)))
        ((and (= (strcase (vla-get-TagString att)) "QUANTITY")(/= (vla-get-TextString att) ""))(setq b (atof (vla-get-TextString att))))
    (if (and a b)
        (if (assoc a lst)
          (setq lst (subst (cons a (+ b (cdr (assoc a lst)))) (assoc a lst) lst))
          (setq lst (cons (cons a b) lst))
        (setq a nil b nil)
  (setq lst (mapcar '(lambda (x)(list (car x) (cdr x))) lst))
  (if lst
      (setq lst (vl-sort lst (function (lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b))))))
      (setq i 0)
      (setq tmp_lst (reverse lst))
      (setq sel_lst (cons '("PART NAME." "Quantity") sel_lst))
      (setq sel_lst (append sel_lst lst))
  (gc:WriteExcel file nil nil sel_lst)
Edited by rlx
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Wow. Thank you RLX.. above code is perfectly working what I want . Thank you for your time.


Thank you all who tried  to help me with my code.

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