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Pls help me to to modify 1 program with 2


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Attached 2 Programs ( got it from internet only)

eww : its make a both end fillet poly line(each point manually ) (green in ss)

wa : its connect all blocks with arc(automatically).(red in ss)

is that possible wa do the connect  with eww  instead of arc(automatically)? 


WA.LSP eww.lsp

Edited by RIA
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Why did you not add to your original post, I and others provided a solution to the draw ends, as Kent Cooper has mentioned over at forums/autodesk if you do a pick pick method it is easy to do. I have already provided the convert a  line/pline just modify the start and end points to a pick point method. Do 1 then (setq startpoint endpoint) (setq endpoint (getpoint "\nPick next point"))


Admin maybe join posts.



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I can sort of see what you are thinking, see if you can make filleted lines with LISP and then ask another question to take it a step further.. but like BigAl says, it might be better to continue the other question then people in the future can follow the thread instead of jumping from this to the last? (Might be even better to have just asked this first off?)


I think BigAls other solution might be a way to go here, however a quick look at your 'WA' LISP, am I right that you draw a line between blocks, which is then selected along with the blocks and then draw the arc? If you are doing it this way then it is about the same amount of work to just select the points in order, not draw the lines? and so might be able to put a loop into the other LISP 'eww', keep selecting points until users presses escape? (select point 1, select point 2, select side for line (or have default filleted line is above or to the right)

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Agree with you Steven P as I said in one of the other posts to RIA please provide all desired enhancements required rather than just changing the rules as you go and making new posts, this is very frustrating for us that are providing code.



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