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GMT Calculation


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; GMT Calculation - 2022.03.22 exceed
; command list 
; GMTLOOP - loop all
; GMT+13:00 ~ GMT-11:00 - single command

(defun c:GMT+13:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+13:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 13)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+12:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+12:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 12)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+11:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+11:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 11)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+10:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+10:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 10)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+09:30 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+09:30 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 9.5)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+09:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+09:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 9) 	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+08:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+08:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 8)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+07:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+07:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 7)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+06:30 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+06:30 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 6.5)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+06:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+06:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 6)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+05:45 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+05:45 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 5.75)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+05:30 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+05:30 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 5.5)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+05:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+05:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 5) 	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+04:30 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+04:30 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 4.5) 	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+04:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+04:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 4)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+03:30 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+03:30 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 3.5)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+03:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+03:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 3)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+02:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+02:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 2)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+01:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+01:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 1)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT+00:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT+00:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 0)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT-01:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT-01:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -1)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT-02:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT-02:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -2) 	(princ))
(defun c:GMT-03:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT-03:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -3)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT-03:30 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT-03:30 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -3.5) 	(princ))
(defun c:GMT-04:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT-04:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -4)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT-05:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT-05:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -5)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT-06:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT-06:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -6)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT-07:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT-07:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -7)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT-08:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT-08:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -8)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT-09:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT-09:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -9) 	(princ))
(defun c:GMT-10:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT-10:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -10)  	(princ))
(defun c:GMT-11:00 () (ex:gmt0) (princ "\n GMT-11:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -11)  	(princ))


(defun ex:gmt0 ( / itimestr itimelst day date month year time month_n timelst day_n leapyear)
 (setq itimestr "")
 (setq itimelist '())
 (setq itimestr (vk_getinternettime))
 (setq itimelst (LM:str->lst itimestr " "))

 (setq day "")
 (setq date "")
 (setq month "")
 (setq year "") 
 (setq time "")
 (setq month_n "")
 (setq day (strcase (substr (nth 0 itimelst) 1 3)))
 (setq date (nth 1 itimelst))
 (setq month (strcase (nth 2 itimelst)))
 (setq year  (atoi (vl-princ-to-string (nth 3 itimelst))) )
 (setq time (nth 4 itimelst))
 (setq timelst (LM:str->lst time ":"))
 (setq hour (car timelst))
 (setq minute (cadr timelst))
 (setq second (caddr timelst))

  ((= month "JAN") (setq month_n "01"))
  ((= month "FEB") (setq month_n "02"))
  ((= month "MAR") (setq month_n "03"))
  ((= month "APR") (setq month_n "04"))
  ((= month "MAY") (setq month_n "05"))
  ((= month "JUN") (setq month_n "06"))
  ((= month "JUL") (setq month_n "07"))
  ((= month "AUG") (setq month_n "08"))
  ((= month "SEP") (setq month_n "09"))
  ((= month "OCT") (setq month_n "10"))
  ((= month "NOV") (setq month_n "11"))
  ((= month "DEC") (setq month_n "12"))

  ((= day "MON") (setq day_n "01"))
  ((= day "TUE") (setq day_n "02"))
  ((= day "WED") (setq day_n "03"))
  ((= day "THU") (setq day_n "04"))
  ((= day "FRI") (setq day_n "05"))
  ((= day "SAT") (setq day_n "06"))
  ((= day "SUN") (setq day_n "07"))

 (setq leapyear "")
   ((and (= (rem year 4) 0) (and (= (rem year 100) 0) (= (rem year 400) 0))) ; 1600, 2000, 2400 is leap year. this is first
      (setq leapyear "Y")
   ((and (= (rem year 4) 0) (and (= (rem year 100) 0) (/= (rem year 400) 0))) ; 1700, 1800, 1900, is not leap year, but 2000 is leap year in the first condition
      (setq leapyear "N")
   ((and (= (rem year 4) 0) (/= (rem year 100) 0)) ; normal leap year calculation for every 4 years
      (setq leapyear "Y")
   ((setq leapyear "N")) ; for not leap year
 (setq timenumlist (list (atoi (vl-princ-to-string year)) leapyear (atoi (vl-princ-to-string month_n)) (atoi (vl-princ-to-string date)) (atoi (vl-princ-to-string day_n)) (atoi (vl-princ-to-string hour)) (atoi (vl-princ-to-string minute)) (atoi (vl-princ-to-string second))))


(defun ex:gmtnc ( timenumlist gmt / *error* itimestr itimelst day date month year time month_n timlst hour minute second day_n timenumlist datelist ctimenumlist ht mt st)
  ;error control
    (defun *error* ( msg )
        (if (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*"))
            (princ (strcat "\n Error: " msg))

 (if (= timenumlist '()) 
 ; this is for test
 ;(setq timenumlist (list 2016 (ex:leapyear 2016) 2 29 4 23 31 23))

 (setq year (nth 0 timenumlist))
 (setq month_n (nth 2 timenumlist))
 (setq date (nth 3 timenumlist))
 (setq day_n (nth 4 timenumlist))
 (setq hour (nth 5 timenumlist))
 (setq minute (nth 6 timenumlist))
 (setq second (nth 7 timenumlist))

 (if (/= gmt 0)
 (if (= (rem gmt 1) 0)
      (setq gmt gmt)
      (setq minute (atoi (vl-princ-to-string (+ minute (atoi (vl-princ-to-string (* 60 (rem gmt 1)))) ))))
      (setq gmt (fix gmt))

 (if (< minute 0)
       (setq hour (- hour 1))
       (setq minute (+ minute 60))
       (if (> minute 60)
             (setq hour (+ hour 1))
             (setq minute (- minute 60))
             (setq hour hour)
             (setq minute minute)

 ;gmt calculation
 (setq hour (+ hour gmt))

 (if (< (+ (* hour 100) minute) 0)
       (setq date (- date 1)) 
       (setq day_n (- day_n 1))
       (setq hour (+ hour 24))
       (if (> (+ (* hour 100) minute) 2400)
            (setq date (+ date 1))
            (setq day_n (+ day_n 1))
            (setq hour (- hour 24))
            (setq date date)
            (setq day_n day_n)
            (setq hour hour)
 ;(princ "\n day - ")
 ;(princ day_n)

 (if (< day_n 1)
     (setq day_n (+ day_n 7))
     (if (> day_n 7)
          (setq day_n (- day_n 7))
          (setq day_n day_n)

 ;(princ "\n day - ")
 ;(princ day_n)

 (if (= (ex:leapyear year) "Y")
   (setq datelist (list 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
   (setq datelist (list 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))

 (if (< date 1)
     (setq month_n (- month_n 1))
     (setq date (nth (- month_n 1) datelist))
     (if (> date (nth (- month_n 1) datelist))
          (setq month_n (+ month_n 1))
          (setq date 1)
          (setq month_n month_n)
          (setq date date)
        );end of progn

 (if (< month_n 1)
       (setq month_n 12)
       (setq year (- year 1))
      (if (> month_n 12)
          (setq month_n 1)
          (setq year (+ year 1))
          (setq month_n month_n)
          (setq year year)
 );end of progn
);end of ifs

 (setq hour (atoi (vl-princ-to-string hour)))

 (setq ctimenumlist '())
 (setq ctimenumlist (list year (ex:leapyear year) month_n date day_n hour minute second))       
 ;(princ "ctimenumlist - ")
 ;(princ ctimenumlist)

 (setq lt (cadr ctimenumlist))
   ((= lt "N") (princ "Non-LeapYear"))
   ((= lt "Y") (princ "LeapYear"))
 (princ " / ")
 (princ (strcat (vl-princ-to-string (car ctimenumlist)) "/" (vl-princ-to-string (caddr ctimenumlist)) "/" (vl-princ-to-string (nth 3 ctimenumlist)) ) )

   ((= (nth 4 ctimenumlist) 1) (princ " MON "))
   ((= (nth 4 ctimenumlist) 2) (princ " TUE "))
   ((= (nth 4 ctimenumlist) 3) (princ " WED "))
   ((= (nth 4 ctimenumlist) 4) (princ " THU "))
   ((= (nth 4 ctimenumlist) 5) (princ " FRI "))
   ((= (nth 4 ctimenumlist) 6) (princ " SAT "))
   ((= (nth 4 ctimenumlist) 7) (princ " SUN "))

 (setq ht (vl-princ-to-string (nth 5 ctimenumlist)))
   ((= (strlen ht) 0) (princ "00"))
   ((= (strlen ht) 1) (princ (strcat "0" (vl-princ-to-string ht))))
   ((= (strlen ht) 2) (princ ht))
 );end of cond
 (princ ":")
 (setq mt (vl-princ-to-string (nth 6 ctimenumlist)))
   ((= (strlen mt) 0) (princ "00"))
   ((= (strlen mt) 1) (princ (strcat "0" (vl-princ-to-string mt))))
   ((= (strlen mt) 2) (princ mt))
 );end of cond
 (princ ":")
 (setq st (vl-princ-to-string (nth 7 ctimenumlist)))
   ((= (strlen st) 0) (princ "00"))
   ((= (strlen st) 1) (princ (strcat "0" (vl-princ-to-string st))))
   ((= (strlen st) 2) (princ st))
 );end of cond
 ;(setq timenumlist timenumlist)
 ;(command "_.delay" "1000")

(defun c:GMTLOOP ( / )
 (princ "\n GMT+13:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 13) 
 (princ "\n GMT+12:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 12) 
 (princ "\n GMT+11:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 11) 
 (princ "\n GMT+10:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 10) 
 (princ "\n GMT+09:30 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 9.5) 
 (princ "\n GMT+09:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 9) 

 (princ "\n GMT+08:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 8) 
 (princ "\n GMT+07:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 7) 
 (princ "\n GMT+06:30 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 6.5) 
 (princ "\n GMT+06:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 6) 
 (princ "\n GMT+05:45 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 5.75) 
 (princ "\n GMT+05:30 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 5.5) 
 (princ "\n GMT+05:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 5) 

 (princ "\n GMT+04:30 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 4.5)
 (princ "\n GMT+04:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 4) 
 (princ "\n GMT+03:30 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 3.5) 
 (princ "\n GMT+03:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 3) 
 (princ "\n GMT+02:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 2) 
 (princ "\n GMT+01:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 1) 
 (princ "\n --------------------------------------------")
 (princ "\n GMT+00:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist 0) 
 (princ "\n --------------------------------------------")
 (princ "\n GMT-01:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -1) 
 (princ "\n GMT-02:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -2)
 (princ "\n GMT-03:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -3) 
 (princ "\n GMT-03:30 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -3.5) 
 (princ "\n GMT-04:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -4) 
 (princ "\n GMT-05:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -5) 

 (princ "\n GMT-06:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -6) 
 (princ "\n GMT-07:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -7) 
 (princ "\n GMT-08:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -8) 
 (princ "\n GMT-09:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -9)
 (princ "\n GMT-10:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -10) 
 (princ "\n GMT-11:00 = ") (ex:gmtnc timenumlist -11) 
 (princ "\n")

(defun ex:leapyear ( year / )
 (setq leapyear "")
   ((and (= (rem year 4) 0) (and (= (rem year 100) 0) (= (rem year 400) 0))) ; 1600, 2000, 2400 is leap year. this is first
      (setq leapyear "Y")
   ((and (= (rem year 4) 0) (and (= (rem year 100) 0) (/= (rem year 400) 0))) ; 1700, 1800, 1900, is not leap year, but 2000 is leap year in the first condition
      (setq leapyear "N")
   ((and (= (rem year 4) 0) (/= (rem year 100) 0)) ; normal leap year calculation for every 4 years
      (setq leapyear "Y")
   ((setq leapyear "N")) ; for not leap year

;get internet time by Vovka (https://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=48216.msg542867#msg542867)

(defun vk_GetRemoteFileHeaders (RemoteFileName Headers / objHTTP Result)
  (if (setq objHTTP (vlax-create-object "WinHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1"))
    (progn (setq Result	(vl-catch-all-apply
			    (lambda ()
			      (vlax-invoke-method objHTTP "Open" "HEAD" RemoteFileName :vlax-false)
			      (vlax-invoke objHTTP "Send")
			      (if (= (vlax-get-property objHTTP "Status") 200)
				(mapcar	(function (lambda (h / r)
						    (setq r (vl-catch-all-apply
							      (list objHTTP "GetResponseHeader" h)
						    (cons h
							  (if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p r))
	   (vlax-release-object objHTTP)
	   (if (and Result (not (vl-catch-all-error-p Result)))

(defun vk_GetInternetTime (/)
   (cdar (vk_GetRemoteFileHeaders "http://www.google.com" (list "Date") ) )

;; String to List  -  Lee Mac
;; Separates a string using a given delimiter
;; str - [str] String to process
;; del - [str] Delimiter by which to separate the string
;; Returns: [lst] List of strings
(defun LM:str->lst ( str del / pos )
    (if (setq pos (vl-string-search del str))
        (cons (substr str 1 pos) (LM:str->lst (substr str (+ pos 1 (strlen del))) del))
        (list str)

(princ "\n GMT - loading complete")



Calculates date changes due to time zone,

Calculates day and month changes,

and Calculates Leap Years when years change.


Get time by google.com (not time server) this is by Vovka https://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=48216.msg542867#msg542867  

because other code like using ping to NIST time server, 'get internet time' or something, not work in my environment. 


GMTLOOP : normal case

 GMT+12:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 16:25:00
 GMT+11:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 15:25:00
 GMT+10:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 14:25:00
 GMT+09:30 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 13:55:00
 GMT+09:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 13:25:00
 GMT+08:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 12:25:00
 GMT+07:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 11:25:00
 GMT+06:30 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 10:55:00
 GMT+06:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 10:25:00
 GMT+05:45 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 10:10:00
 GMT+05:30 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 09:55:00
 GMT+05:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 09:25:00
 GMT+04:30 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 08:55:00
 GMT+04:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 08:25:00
 GMT+03:30 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 07:55:00
 GMT+03:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 07:25:00
 GMT+02:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 06:25:00
 GMT+01:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 05:25:00
 GMT+00:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 04:25:00
 GMT-01:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 03:25:00
 GMT-02:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 02:25:00
 GMT-03:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 01:25:00
 GMT-03:30 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 00:55:00
 GMT-04:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/22 TUE 00:25:00
 GMT-05:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/21 MON 23:25:00
 GMT-06:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/21 MON 22:25:00
 GMT-07:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/21 MON 21:25:00
 GMT-08:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/21 MON 20:25:00
 GMT-09:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/21 MON 19:25:00
 GMT-10:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/21 MON 18:25:00
 GMT-11:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2022/3/21 MON 17:25:00



GMTLOOP : leap year case

 GMT+13:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 12:31:23
 GMT+12:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 11:31:23
 GMT+11:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 10:31:23
 GMT+10:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 09:31:23
 GMT+09:30 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 09:01:23
 GMT+09:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 08:31:23
 GMT+08:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 07:31:23
 GMT+07:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 06:31:23
 GMT+06:30 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 06:01:23
 GMT+06:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 05:31:23
 GMT+05:45 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 05:16:23
 GMT+05:30 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 05:01:23
 GMT+05:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 04:31:23
 GMT+04:30 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 04:01:23
 GMT+04:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 03:31:23
 GMT+03:30 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 03:01:23
 GMT+03:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 02:31:23
 GMT+02:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 01:31:23
 GMT+01:00 = LeapYear / 2016/1/1 FRI 00:31:23
 GMT+00:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 23:31:23
 GMT-01:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 22:31:23
 GMT-02:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 21:31:23
 GMT-03:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 20:31:23
 GMT-03:30 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 20:01:23
 GMT-04:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 19:31:23
 GMT-05:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 18:31:23
 GMT-06:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 17:31:23
 GMT-07:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 16:31:23
 GMT-08:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 15:31:23
 GMT-09:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 14:31:23
 GMT-10:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 13:31:23
 GMT-11:00 = Non-LeapYear / 2015/12/31 THU 12:31:23


GMTLOOP : leap year case in FEB

 GMT+12:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 11:31:23
 GMT+11:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 10:31:23
 GMT+10:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 09:31:23
 GMT+09:30 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 09:01:23
 GMT+09:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 08:31:23
 GMT+08:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 07:31:23
 GMT+07:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 06:31:23
 GMT+06:30 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 06:01:23
 GMT+06:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 05:31:23
 GMT+05:45 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 05:16:23
 GMT+05:30 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 05:01:23
 GMT+05:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 04:31:23
 GMT+04:30 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 04:01:23
 GMT+04:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 03:31:23
 GMT+03:30 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 03:01:23
 GMT+03:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 02:31:23
 GMT+02:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 01:31:23
 GMT+01:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/29 FRI 00:31:23
 GMT+00:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 23:31:23
 GMT-01:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 22:31:23
 GMT-02:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 21:31:23
 GMT-03:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 20:31:23
 GMT-03:30 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 20:01:23
 GMT-04:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 19:31:23
 GMT-05:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 18:31:23
 GMT-06:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 17:31:23
 GMT-07:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 16:31:23
 GMT-08:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 15:31:23
 GMT-09:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 14:31:23
 GMT-10:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 13:31:23
 GMT-11:00 = LeapYear / 2016/2/28 THU 12:31:23



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