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What kind of modelling is this and what can I use for it..


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What I require most is not too much. I want to create primitives, such as boxes and cylinders, and to be able to carve one from the other. I want to create closed 2d objects and extrude them. I want to take 2d objects such as curves and rotate them about one axis to create a 3d object. I want to place similar 2d objects beside each other or around an axis and have a smooth surface drawn across them.


..and so forth. Is this what they call solid modelling? I won't require the more artistic kind of tools. What is a good CAD program to use?

Edited by Allen_B
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Yes, that would be considered solid modeling.  The full version of AutoCAD would be required.  BTW... primitives are included in AutoCAD.

Edited by ReMark
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Thank you. I have a friend who is willing to sell me his copy of Autocad 2007. Will it do these things? Can I use it to create *.stl files for 3d printing? Will these be usable in a later version of Autocad? Otherwise is it a capable version?

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Yes, Autocad 2007 can do these things and they would be usable in later versions. And I think 2007 has an STLOUT command for exporting to .stl format, but I'm not positive. Obviously 2007 is a very old version though, and depending on your operating system, you may run into issues installing and running it. There's also licensing issues that you might run into, since technically you're not allowed to sell the program without consent from Autodesk.


You might want to take a look at Fusion360. There's a free version for personal use:  https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/personal

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Like Cad64 selling old Autocad is almost impossible, the EULA if you dig far enough and I am ex Autocad sales rep, refers to purchase of a company and its assets, that includes Autocad but I am not a lawyer. 


Depending on what you want to do say game figurines there is so much better software out there. Or just down load its a never ending increasing library.


If its more true cad then maybe look at Bricscad or Solidworks may cost a bit more but no where near Autocad and be todays software.



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17 hours ago, Allen_B said:

Is there something similar that works with Linux or 32-bit Windows?


You might need to upgrade to a 64 bit operating system. I think most 3D programs these days run on 64 bit systems.


And what exactly are you going to use this program for? Do you need a CAD based program? As Bigal mentioned, there are many different programs out there, but directing you to one that's going to suit your needs will depend on what you're going to do with it.

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52 minutes ago, Allen_B said:

I will be modelling waveguides. Here is an example..


Ok, well as I mentioned before, there are many programs you could use for this. Fusion360, Inventor, Solidworks, Rhino or FormZ would all be good programs to look at. Fusion360 and FormZ both have free versions you can use, but I don't know if you can get them in a Linux or 32 bit version. You would have to do some research and find out.

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1 hour ago, Allen_B said:

Ok, I'm working through this.


Can Fusion360 be used on a standalone computer, no internet?


Fusion360 needs to connect to the internet at least once every 2 weeks, so yes, you need an internet connection.


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