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Delete layer command


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Since you asked :


(defun c:del-layer (/ ent l_name ss cntr amt ssent) 

;;; erases all objects on selected layer then purges that layer 

 (setvar 'clayer "0") ; set layer to 0 

   ; make sure we get something 
   (and (setq l_name (getstring "\nSpecify Layer Name: "))
    (tblsearch "Layer" l_name)) ; test 
     ; create a selection set of all entites on layer 'l_name' 
     (setq ss (ssget "X" (list (cons 8 l_name))) 
           ; set 'cntr' to number of items in selection set 
           cntr (1- (sslength ss)) 
           amt (itoa cntr); make a string from an integer 

       ; does the sel set have anything in it 
       (> cntr 0); test 

         ; as long as 'cntr' is greater than or equal to 0 
         ; keep looping 
         (>= cntr 0) 

         ; extract the ename from the sel set 
         (setq ssent (ssname ss cntr)) 
         (entdel ssent); delete that entity 
         (setq cntr (1- cntr)); subtract 1 from cntr 

 (command "_.purge" "LA" l_name "N") 
 (princ (strcat "\nErased " amt " items")) 

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How is that any different from using Express Tools > Layer Delete and the Type-it option?
I agree. Actually, I would prefer express tools, since LAYDEL will take care of nested objects as well. I don't think the LISP referenced by the OP does that, does it?
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I'm almost always one to fall into the trap of creating some huge code that could do the same thing as a one line macro...


Don't knock it. That probably explains why you're so good at it. I guess I'm more the "lazy drafter" type. LOL

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