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AUTOLISP DCL Oblong hole, vertical direction, horizontal direction, circle diameter, how long


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Please help me design a parameterized AUTOLISP DCL Oblong hole, vertical direction, horizontal direction, circle diameter, how long

Can someone please help me ? It would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance



Oblong hole.jpg

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This function is the most attractive to me, thank you for guiding a clear path


(defun c:slot (/ s an a1 a2 cc c1 c2 d1 d2 r1 r2)
  (and (while (or (prompt "\nSelect ONLY 2 circles, <ENTER> to accept.. ") (not s) (> (sslength s) 2))
	 (setq s (ssget "_:E:L+." '((0 . "CIRCLE"))))
       (mapcar ''((a b) (mapcar 'set a (mapcar ''((i) (cdr (assoc i (entget b)))) '(10 40))))
	       '((c1 r1) (c2 r2))
	       (setq cc (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex s))))
       (setq d1	(distance c1 c2)
	     a1	(angle c1 c2)
	     d2	(- r1 r2)
       (< (abs d2) d1) ; bug fixed LM:2CircleTangents
;;;	     a2	(+ (* pi 0.5) (asin (/ r2 (* 2. d1)))) ; bug?
       (setq a2	(atan (sqrt (- (* d1 d1) (* d2 d2))) d2)
	     an	(list (+ a1 a2) (- a1 a2))
	     ep	(mapcar	''((x)
			   (setq x (eval (cons 'vl-list* x)))
			   (entmakex (cons '(0 . "ARC") (mapcar 'cons '(10 40 50 51) x)))
			   (mapcar ''((i) (polar (car x) (nth i x) (cadr x))) '(2 3))
			'((c1 r1 an) (c2 r2 (reverse an)))
       (foreach	x (apply 'mapcar (cons 'list (list (car ep) (reverse (cadr ep)))))
	 (entmakex (cons '(0 . "LINE") (mapcar ''((a b) (cons a b)) '(10 11) x)))
       (mapcar 'entdel cc)


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Maybe use this as a "Learn Lisp" task. I would look at enter c-c length, dia,  then pick 1st point, draw 2 arcs, draw 2 lines, pedit so join all arcs and lines, then ask for rotation.

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Hi BIGAL  , The advantage of this LISP is to set the distance between two circles. When you want to make a SLOT, you can click on the two circles to achieve a SLOT figure at any angle. It is super convenient.

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I thought I posted this already.


(if (not AH:getvalsm)(load "Multi Getvals.lsp"))
(setq ans (AH:getvalsm (list "Enter values " "Length " 5 4 "500" "Dia " 5 4 "50" "Angle  " 5 4 "0")))
(setq len (atof (nth 0 ans)) wid (atof (nth 1 ans) ang (dtr (atof (nth 2 ans))))

Multi GETVALS.lspimage.png.2dfcfe9103bb99728016be75703d5597.png

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I will have to look into a pline creation line arc line arc. That is the simplest way to do it . I have some pline arc examples have to go back and look how they work.


The Getvals is just a front end for input.



Edited by BIGAL
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Look at my post of thursday that is the code the 3 lines. You need to have Multi Getvals saved in your support path, or add the location of the file.


(if (not AH:getvalsm)(load "c:\\mycompany\\lisp files\\from cadtutor\\Multi Getvals.lsp"))


Just copy the lines 1 at a time and paste to command line to test. Then can do !len to see the value you have entered.

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