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Unlocking Layer not displayed ?!


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With vla-put-lock function I lock/unlock layer "LAYER2". The problem is that this change of "LAYER2" lock mode is not displayed in viewport ! Things on layer stays dimmed/lighted.


Even if i use (vla-regen (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) acActiveViewport) to regenerate the viewport... still nothing happens (it does regenerate but not changes).


If I pull down "Layer Control" it shows that "LAYER2"'s lock state HAS changed. So it is only not displaying it.


If I write "REGEN" to console still no change. But if I pulldown "LayerControl" combo, click away else and then type "REGEN" to console, changes become visible...


Why and how to fix it?

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Yes and it does not work. Same as Regen.


Only if I show layercontrol combo and then type Regen it works. Nothing else!! :(((

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It seems you something do incorrectly. Change of a condition of layers does not demand regeneration. Try to get object of "Layer2":


Command: (setq l2(vla-Item(vla-get-Layers(vla-get-ActiveDocument(vlax-get-acad-object)))"Layer2"))
#<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayer 0edfc7b4>


Than lock and unlock that layer:


Command: (vla-put-Lock l2 :vlax-true)

Command: (vla-put-Lock l2 :vlax-false)


The layer lock condition varies without regeneration.


Difficultly that be to define when there is no of your code.

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Here is the code that does not display results of unlocking (but it does unlock layers):


(defun UnlockAll ( / Doc Layers L Count )
 (setq Doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
       Layers (vla-get-layers Doc)
       Count 0)
 (vlax-for L Layers
     (if (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-lock L)) (progn
        (vla-put-lock L :vlax-false)
      (setq Count (+ 1 Count)) )))
 (setq return Count))


Is it working to anyone?

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I have (vl_load-com) at the begining of this procedure. It doesnt work !?


I cant see where is the catch... since it works to you :(

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I do not see the reasons why your code does not work. The only thing why (vl_load-com) right syntax (vl-load-com). I optimised this function having removed extra variables.


(defun UnlockAll(/ Count)
 (setq Count 0)
 (vlax-for l(vla-get-Layers
   (if(= :vlax-true(vla-get-Lock l))
(vla-put-Lock l :vlax-false)
(setq Count(1+ Count)))))
 ); end of UnlockAll


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Now I have understood. For this purpose is better to use function ACET-VIEWPORT-FROZEN-LAYER-LIST-SET with the zero list of layers. Try in command line:


Command: (setq vp(car(entsel)))
Select object: <Entity name: 7efa7428>

Command: (acet-viewport-frozen-layer-list-set vp '())


All layers in your viewport will be thawn.

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Why does VLIDE not recognise that function?


Because it user defined function. ACET- Auto Cad Express Tools.


ASMI, are you sure your not making these functions up as you go along.


It will work while works Express Tools.

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Anytime you see acet that's your clue. Alshough Express tools must be loaded before it will work & the functions are poorly documented, if at all.

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