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Zoom lisp


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Could somebody please create the following simple lips program or point me to one similar:


I press/type a single command and the following occurs: Zoom out to extents on all layouts and modelspace. Zoom out to 0.8x.

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I don't think this should be dificult but the only way I know to do it would involve switching to each layout to zoom extents. Is this OK?


Do you want all layouts and model space to be zoomed to .8x or just model space?

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All layouts and modelspace to be zoomed to .8x. Although preferably I'd like to do all layouts at once, not having to go to each layout and do it.

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here's something to play with and change to meet your needs


(defun c:loz (/ lolst llnt lcnt lnam)
(setq lolst (layoutlist));_get layout list
  (setq llnt (length lolst));_length of list
  (setq lolst (reverse lolst));_flip list
  (setq lcnt 0);_loop counter
  (while (< lcnt llnt);_loop
    (setq lnam (nth lcnt lolst))
    (command "layout" "set" lnam);_change to new layout
    (command "zoom" "e");_zoom extence
    (command "_mview" "lock" "on" "all" "");_locks all viewports
    (setq lcnt (1+ lcnt));_increase counter

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