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Posted (edited)


Trying to modify this code to change Fields to Text inside a block with multiple instances.





I can get it to work for one, but some of the others change the content of the text to 'Model'. I'm guessing I missed some iteration check, but I'm not sure 

(defun c:FTT (/ ss n bn an ad s)
  (setq ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "INSERT") (2 . "myblock")))) ; Get selection set of blocks named Myblock
  (if ss
      (setq n 0) 
      (while (< n (sslength ss))
        (setq bn (ssname ss n)) 
        (setq an (entnext bn)) 
        (while (and an 
                     (setq ad (entget an))
                     (= "ATTRIB" (cdr (assoc 0 ad)))
          (setq s (cdr (assoc 1 ad))) 
          (if (not (equal s nil)) ; Check if s is not nil
                  (setq ad (subst (vl-list* 1 "") (assoc 1 ad) ad))
                  (entmod ad) 
                  (setq ad (subst (vl-list* 1 s) (assoc 1 ad) ad))
                  (entmod ad))
              (princ "\nAttribute value is nil. Skipping substitution.")
          (entupd an) 
          (setq an (entnext an)) 
          ) ;_ end while
        (setq n (1+ n)) 
        ) ;_ end while
      (princ "\nField links removed from blocks named Myblock.")
    (princ "\nNo blocks named Myblock found.")
  (setq ss nil) 


Edited by pttr

Hmm okay, I found something that might be a problem that i can´t get my head around


I think the problem is modifying the block in different layouts.


 rewrote from scratch and I´m not sure how i iterate different layouts to make the changes. To clarify this code works, but only in one layout

(defun c:FTT (/ ss n bn an ad s )

  (setq ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "INSERT")(2 . "Myblock"))))

  (setq n 0)				;Initialize counter
  ;; Step through selection set one entity at a time
  (while (< n (sslength ss))
    (setq bn (ssname ss n))		;Get the nth entity in the selection set
    (setq an (entnext bn))		;Get the next enity after bn
    ;; Step through each next entity until it is not an attribute
    (while (and	an			;Check if entity is found
		(setq ad (entget an))	;Get data
		(= "ATTRIB" (cdr (assoc 0 ad))) ;Check if attribute
	   ) ;_ end of and
      (setq s (cdr (assoc 1 ad)))	;Get text value
      (setq ad (subst (vl-list* 1 "") (assoc 1 ad) ad))
					;Clear the attribute's value
      (entmod ad)			;Modify the entity
      (setq ad (subst (vl-list* 1 s) (assoc 1 ad) ad))
					;Set the attribute's value back to only the text
      (entmod ad)			;Modify the entity
      (entupd an)			;Update screen to show change
      (setq an (entnext an))		;Get next entity
    ) ;_ end of while
    (setq n (1+ n))			;Increment counter
  ) ;_ end of while
  (setq ss nil)				;Clear selection set
  (gc)					;Clear unused memory
) ;_ end of defun

Found this, but didn´t manage to implement


This is how far i got on my own but I still get "Model" istead of intended text sometimes


(defun c:FTT (/ ss n bn an ad s)
  (setq layoutOld (getvar "CTAB"))
  (foreach layoutCrt (layoutlist) 
    ;do som here:

(setq ss (ssget "_X" (list '(2 . "myblock") (cons 410 layoutCrt))))
(setq n 0)				;Initialize counter
    (setq bn (ssname ss n))		;Get the nth entity in the selection set
    (setq an (entnext bn))		;Get the next enity after bn
     	    (while (and	an			;Check if entity is found
		(setq ad (entget an))	;Get data
		(= "ATTRIB" (cdr (assoc 0 ad))) ;Check if attribute
	   ) ;_ end of and
      (setq s (cdr (assoc 1 ad)))	;Get text value
	      (princ s)
      (setq ad (subst (vl-list* 1 "") (assoc 1 ad) ad))
					;Clear the attribute's value
      (entmod ad)			;Modify the entity
      (setq ad (subst (vl-list* 1 s) (assoc 1 ad) ad))
					;Set the attribute's value back to only the text
      (entmod ad)			;Modify the entity
      (entupd an)			;Update screen to show change
      (setq an (entnext an))		;Get next entity
    ) ;_ end of while

   );_end LayoutCrt

  (setvar "CTAB" layoutOld)


Posted (edited)

Are you sure this is working (setq ss (ssget "_X" (list '(2 . "myblock") (cons 410 layoutCrt)))) what is your block name I doubt its "myblock" I usually wrap a ssget in an IF to make sure it exists. 


(if (= ss nil)
(alert "selection set has not been made skipping program")


Edited by BIGAL
Posted (edited)
On 3/29/2024 at 12:28 AM, BIGAL said:

Are you sure this is working (setq ss (ssget "_X" (list '(2 . "myblock") (cons 410 layoutCrt)))) what is your block name I doubt its "myblock" I usually wrap a ssget in an IF to make sure it exists. 


(if (= ss nil)
(alert "selection set has not been made skipping program")


Yeah every file i will use this Lisp on has the block and "myblock" is an example, but it does (sort of) work! 

Nice, the if statement might add a layer of security but i dubt it will fix the issue. The file has about 15 layouts with 1 block in each layout


Edited by pttr

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