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Joining Objects with very large SelectionSet


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Hi all,


I'm working on some code to handle potential selectionset counts of up to 500,000 objects (Large contour files made from lines/single segment polylines/polylines with multiple segments)




Currently, the file has many, many polyline contours with given z values, and some 'broken' segments; ie


  • Polyline Contour '1' with a z value of 100 goes from Point 'A', to 'B', to 'C', to 'D'
  • Polyline Contour '2' with a z value of 100 goes from Point 'E' to 'F', to 'G'
  • Line/Polyline '1' with an elevation 100 goes from Point 'D' to point 'G'

 - All three of these objects could be joined into a single polyline contour


Another example would be 

  • Polyline Contour '3' with a z value of 100 goes from Point 'A', to 'B', to 'C', to 'D'
  • Polyline Contour '4' with a z value of 100 goes from Point 'E' to 'F', to 'G' to 'A'

 - These two objects could be joined into one object


I found this lisp from Kent Cooper, but I find it does not work very well with these very large selectionset object counts I'm working with.


I will note that the single segment lines/polylines are far fewer in object count than the large contour polylines. I thought perhaps I could filter the single segment lines out from the larger selectionset, and then check each segment end if these is another object touching them. But I do not know how to do this, and it wouldn't account for broken contours made up of two (or more) multi-segment polylines


Is there a more efficient way of handling large selection sets? Has this been done before? I haven't handled large selectionsets before in LISP, and I'm not sure where to start.

I'd really appreciate any thoughts/advice, or points in the right direction.





;;  PolylineJoin.lsp [command name: PJ]
;;  Joins viable objects [Lines/Arcs/LWPolylines/not-splined-or-fitted 2DPolylines]
;;    into connected LWPolylines.
;;  Rejects splined/fitted 2DPolylines, [joining them to other objects removes their
;;    spline/fit curvature] and 3DPolylines [can't be joined].
;;  If one viable object is selected, joins all other possible objects [contiguous at ends to
;;    it and to each other] to it, into one LWPolyline.
;;  If multiple viable objects are selected, joins them into as many LWPolylines as
;;    appropriate, not including anything contiguous at ends that was not selected.
;;  Leaves selected Lines/Arcs that are not contiguous to anything else as Lines/Arcs,
;;    not converted into one-segment Polylines.
;;  Concept from c:pljoin by beaufordt on AutoCAD Customization Discussion Group
;;  Streamlined by Kent Cooper, June 2011; expanded capabilities July 2012
;;  Last edited 16 July 2012

(defun PJ ; = Polyline Join
    (selset / *error* pjss cmde peac nextent pjinit inc edata pjent)
    (defun *error* (errmsg)
                (wcmatch errmsg "Function cancelled,quit / exit abort,console break")
            (princ (strcat "\nError: " errmsg))
        ); if
        (setvar 'peditaccept peac)
        (command "_.undo" "_end")
        (setvar 'cmdecho cmde)
    ); defun - *error*
        pjss selset
        cmde (getvar 'cmdecho)
        peac (getvar 'peditaccept)
        nextent (entlast); starting point for checking new entities
    ); setq
            pjinit (sslength pjss) 
            inc pjinit
        ); PJ INITial-selection quantity & incrementer
                        (assoc 0 
                            (setq edata 
                                    (setq pjent 
                                        (ssname pjss 
                                            (setq inc (1- inc))
                    "POLYLINE" ; 2D "heavy" or 3D Polyline
                ); =
                            (assoc 100 
                                (reverse edata)
                        ) "AcDb3dPolyline"
                    ); 3D
                        (boole 1
                                (assoc 70
                        '(2 4)
                    ); splined or fitted 2D
                ); or
            ); and
            (ssdel pjent pjss); remove 3D, splined/fitted 2D from set
        ); if
    ); repeat
    (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
    (command "_.undo" "_begin")
    (setvar 'peditaccept 1)
    (setvar 'plinetype 2); [just in case; assumes no desire to save and set back if different]
    (if pjss ; selected qualifying object(s)
        (cond ; then
                    (sslength pjss) 
                ); selected only one, and it qualifies
                (command "_.pedit" pjss "_join" "_all" "" ""); join everything possible to it
            ); single-selection condition
                (> (sslength pjss) 1); more than one qualifying object
                (command "_.pedit" "_multiple" pjss "" "_join" "0.0" "")
            ); multiple qualifying condition
            ((prompt "\nSingle object not viable, or <= 1 of multiple selection viable."))
        ); cond
        (prompt "\nNothing viable selected.")
    ); outer if
    (while (setq nextent (entnext nextent)); start with first newly-created Pline, if any
        (if ; revert any un-joined Lines/Arcs back from Pline conversion
            (and ; newly-created single-segment Pline from unconnected Line/Arc
                        (assoc 90 
                            (entget nextent)
                (not (vlax-curve-isClosed nextent))
            ); and
            (command "_.explode" nextent)
        ); if
    ); while
    (setvar 'peditaccept peac)
    (command "_.undo" "_end")
    (setvar 'cmdecho cmde)
); defun

(defun C:PJ1 ()
    (PJ (ssget '((0 . "LINE,ARC,*POLYLINE"))))
); defun


Edited by AM-AP
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I never tried with so many objects, but can't you just select a polyline enter PE (polyline edit), J (join), and when AutoCAD prompts you to select the objects, enter ALL and let AutoCAD to do the hard work?

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BricsCAD has a join command that should work very well for this. 


AutoCAD has this too, just type join and select all

Edited by Danielm103
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The LISP you have from Kent Cooper - doesn't work very well - can you describe how it doesn't work very well? Might be something in there that can be fixed if the basis of the code works well for fewer objects

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To cut down on the size of the set, could you select them by elevation and do one group at a time? Maybe draw a line, select by crossing, cycle through each elevation, change the resulting contours to a temporary layer, and continue until there's nothing left? A little clunky, but better than the alternative.

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