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how to refresh the registry of recentfiles?


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; GETALLPIN - 2024.09.24 exceeds
; Prints a list of documents that the user has pinned in AutoCAD to the command prompt.
; Prints all previous versions of AutoCAD that have been installed and have not been deleted from the registry.
; The part that updates the current version in the last part will not be executed.
; because there is a problem in that it returns to its original state when the program ends.
; So I modified it to display the path at the prompt.

(defun c:GETALLPIN ( / versionlist pathlist path0 path1 path2 fn fnlist a b c pinned i fulllist )
  (setq path0 "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD\\")
  (setq versionlist (reverse (vl-registry-descendents path0)))
  (setq fnlist '())
  (setq fulllist '())
  (foreach a versionlist
    (setq path1 (strcat path0 a "\\"))
    (setq localelist (reverse (vl-registry-descendents path1)))
    (foreach b localelist 
      (setq path2 (strcat path1 b "\\Recent File List\\"))
      (setq i 1)
      (while (setq pinned (vl-registry-read path2 (strcat "FilePinned" (itoa i))))
        (if (= pinned 1)
            (setq fn (vl-registry-read path2 (strcat "File" (itoa i))))
            (if (= (member fn fnlist) nil)
                (setq fnlist (cons fn fnlist))
                (setq fulllist (cons (list fn (vl-registry-read path2 (strcat "Class" (itoa i))) (vl-registry-read path2 (strcat "FileTime" (itoa i)))) fulllist))
        (setq i (1+ i))
  (setq fulllist (vl-sort fulllist (function (lambda (x1 x2)(> (caddr x1) (caddr x2))))))
  ;(princ fulllist)
  (setq i 1)
  (foreach c fulllist
    (princ (strcat "\n" (car c)))
    ;(setq path4 (strcat "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" (vlax-product-key) "\\Recent File List\\"))
    ;(vl-registry-write path4 (strcat "File" (itoa i)) (car c))
    ;(vl-registry-write path4 (strcat "Class" (itoa i)) (cadr c))
    ;(vl-registry-write path4 (strcat "FileTime" (itoa i)) (caddr c))
    ;(vl-registry-write path4 (strcat "FilePinned" (itoa i)) 1) 


This doesn't work. because the current state is overwritten when close the autocad.

how do I fix it? 

Does a command like reinit exist?

Edited by exceed
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