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offset and change lisp or macro


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i've been trying to create a macro or lisp that will offset a line and change it's layer.

the macro works fine

^C^C_offset;;\\ change Last;;P;La;S-Reveal;;

but i need to do this a lot. if i do the macro and finish it, i hit enter like i want to repeat the macro but it only repeats the last command on the command line "change".

can a macro repeat itself with user input to cancel? i think that's where lisp comes in. i've been looking over lisp tutorials and it doesn't make any sense to me. i learned it 8 years ago and have completely forgotten. here's my pathetic attempt at lisp to do the same thing:

; This command creates a 3/4" chamfer around window openings and panel edges
(defun c:CE ()
 (command "offset" "3/4" 

you'll notice it just kind of trails off like a kid with A.D.D.

is there a lisp tutorial that can help me learn it from scratch?


also, can a macro be assigned to command line entry? or button only?



well, my co-worker just solved the problem with "offset: layer" option. well, that was an afternoon wasted.

i'm still dumb and want to know more about lisp.

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You may abuse this one. :)

;;  Offset 0.75 to layer "0"
(defun c:ce (/ ent pt)
 (while (and
          (setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect object to offset 3/4 or <exit>:")))
          (setq pt (getpoint "\nSpecify point on side to offset:"))
   (command "._offset" 0.75 ent "_non" pt "")
   (command "._change" (entlast) "" "_P" "_LA" "0" "")

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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Try this (start the command by typing "ol"):


;OffsetCurrent.lsp - Offsets a line to the current layer and linetype

(defun *error* (s)

(repeat 3 (command))

(cond ( (member s '("Function cancelled" "console break"))

(princ "*cancel*"))

(t (princ (strcat "\nError: " s))))

(setvar "highlight" 1)

(setq *error* olderr)



(defun get_offspec ( / e d)

(cond ( (setq e (entsel "\nObject to offset/CR for new distance:")))

(t (setq ofst (xgetdist "\nNew offset distance" ofst))

(if (= ofst nil) (setq ofst ofst3))

; (while (not (setq e (entsel "\nObject to offset: "))))




(defun xgetdist (msg def)

(cond ( (getdist (cond (def (strcat msg " :"))

(t ": ")))))


(defun C:ol (/ clay *error* lastent lastinfo olderr uecho offit offpnt ofst ofst2 ofst3 x)

(setq olderr *error*)

(setq uecho (getvar "cmdecho"))

(setvar "cmdecho" 0)

(setq ofst2 ofst)

(if (= ofst nil) (setq ofst 0))

(prompt "\n Offset Distance

(prin1 ofst)

(prompt "> :")

(setq ofst (getdist))

(if (= ofst nil) (setq ofst ofst2))

(setq x 0)

;(while (

(setq offit (get_offspec))

(setq offpnt (getpoint "\nChoose side to offset :"))

(command "OFFSET" ofst offit offpnt "")

(setq ofst3 ofst)

(setq clay (getvar "CLAYER"))

(setq lastent (entlast))

(setq lastinfo (entget lastent))

(setq lastinfo (subst (cons 6 "BYLAYER") (assoc 6 lastinfo) lastinfo))

(setq lastinfo (subst (cons 62 256) (assoc 62 lastinfo) lastinfo))

(setq lastinfo (subst (cons 8 clay) (assoc 8 lastinfo) lastinfo))

(entmod lastinfo)

(setq *error* olderr)





dont k how to get rid of the smiley face, it should be defun c: and the letter "O"

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oops. this was a really old thread I started. Had I just paid more attention to the command line I would have noticed that when you enter OFFSET there's options of "Through/Erase/Layer". Make Layer "Current" rather than default "source" does what I need it to do.

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