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  1. Hello! I'm performing a count in order to create a report from a dwg file. Counting functioncan be called at any time, but necessarily runs on close - when I also count the edit time. For that I'm using a reactor. That works fine. Prior to start the counting I'd like to overkill the whole drawing. That way it will not generate fake data due to duplicated objects. My code: (defun finalize ( / total_vector t_time) (setq doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) (vla-sendCommand doc "_.-overkill\r_all\r\r_done\r") (arxload "EDITTIME") (load "julian") (setq total_vector (jtoc (acet-edittime-total))) (setq t_time (strcat (LM:rtos (nth 3 total_vector) 2 0) ":" (LM:rtos (nth 4 total_vector) 2 0))) (acet-edittime-enable "OFF") (report1 t_time) (report2 t_time) (CloseReactor) ) As you can see, I'm using a few of (the marvelous) Lee Mac's functions too: (defun CloseReactor nil (vl-load-com) ;; Lee Mac ~ 14.04.10 ( (lambda ( data / react ) (if (setq react (vl-some (function (lambda ( reactor ) (if (eq data (vlr-data reactor)) reactor) ) ) (cdar (vlr-reactors :vlr-editor-reactor) ) ) ) (if (vlr-added-p react) (vlr-remove react) (vlr-add react) ) (setq react (vlr-editor-reactor data (list (cons :vlr-beginclose 'CloseCallBack) ) ) ) ) (princ (if (vlr-added-p react) "\n** Reactor Activated **" "\n** Reactor Deactivated **" ) ) react ) "Close-Reactor" ) (princ) ) (defun CloseCallBack (reactor arguments) (vla-put-ActiveSpace (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (setq acad (vlax-get-acad-object)) ) ) acModelSpace ) (vla-ZoomExtents acad) (vla-put-ActiveLayer doc (vla-item (vla-get-layers doc) "0" ) ) (vla-put-ActiveUCS doc (vla-add (vla-get-usercoordinatesystems doc) (vlax-3D-point '(0. 0. 0.)) (vlax-3D-point '(1. 0. 0.)) (vlax-3D-point '(0. 1. 0.)) "TempWord_UCS" ) ) (if (not (eq "" (vla-get-FullName doc))) (vla-saveas doc (vla-get-FullName doc)) ) (princ) (finalize) ) ;; rtos wrapper - Lee Mac ;; A wrapper for the rtos function to negate the effect of DIMZIN (defun LM:rtos ( real units prec / dimzin result ) (setq dimzin (getvar 'dimzin)) (setvar 'dimzin 0) (setq result (vl-catch-all-apply 'rtos (list real units prec))) (setvar 'dimzin dimzin) (if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p result)) result ) ) I'm using vla-sendfile to call the overkill because I can't use command inside a reactor. If I close the reactor in the begining of the finilize funcion, it closes the drawing before running through the whole function. But I realized that the overkill is being performed AFTER the report1 and report2 functions. That is a problem because report1 and report2 are the functions that generate the report. So, I'm guessing there's some sort of priority of vanilla lisp over vla functions. Is that right? Is there other way of performing this overkill whithout using vla-sendcommand or command? Thanks a lot.
  2. Tried this option on ignore all object properties. Increased fuzziness to 10. Ticked and unticked "Optimize segments within polylines, Combine co-linear objects that partially overlap and end to end". It still doesn't produce 3 lines that I expect. Am I expecting something wrong here? The overkill operation seems particularly bad at deleting lines that are completely covered by another line and sometimes wouldn't even work with lines that have the same end point. overkill.dwg
  3. usually it works like a charm but sometimes it plain does nothing. like in this example, there are two overlapping white lines. I do the overkill command and set a high tolerance, but it doesn't do anything. See pictures. why does it work sometimes and then other times it completely does nothing?
  4. Hello, I have been working on a VLISP routine that reads from a txt file and draws some plines based on the text file. As a result of how the text files are received some lines are drawn as duplicates. Accordingly, I would like to run the overkill command or something similar at the end of the routine on only the active layer. Can anyone provide advice or code snippets as to how I can complete this. I did not see an ActiveX reference to OVERKILL, and am pretty new to vlisp (so go easy). Thanks David
  5. Hi,~~~ I want to delete the duplicate block. However, object's x, y, z scale & angle to Ignore. And, use the numeric fuzz of overkill.
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