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Found 4 results

  1. Dear All, Where is Find DWG to PDF Custom Paper Size in Registry........?????
  2. Hi all, I'm using 2008 and trying to get one side of my plots to be 1/2" from the edge of the paper (from one of the ends, not the sides). When plotting from R14, our plotter understands just fine and prints a standard ARCH D sheet just the way we want it. With 2008, our standard sheet template sits outside the dashed line that indicates plottable area. I think that autoCAD thinks that the printer can't print that close to the edge, but obviously it can. I've gone into the 'modify paper sizes' options and adjusted the bottom margin to allow enough space for the plot. Plot preview looks fine and nothing is getting cut off, but when I actually print, the printer just prints an extra inch of paper past the margin I redefined so I end up with a sheet that is 24 x 37 and the edge of the plot is still not 1/2" from the edge of the paper like I need it to be. How do I fix this? We are trying to move from R14 to 2008 (and eventually 2014) as the office standard and this is the last hurdle that is baffling us.
  3. I have drawn plans and am trying to send them out for printing on 24" x 18" paper. I used the add a plotter wizard to get the Tiff version 6 plotter added to my plotters, and the tiff it puts out is only 4" x 3". I have tried scaling the picture, changing the paper size, looking through all the options in the layout tabs and plotting tabs. I can't get anything to work. My only options in for paper size in the plot menu are pixel sizes, I can't select paper size. I am using autocad 2005. Please help!
  4. I have too many paper sizes in PageSetup. This makes choosing the proper page size too lengthy and time consuming. I only use two paper sizes namely A4 and A3 so I don't need to have English paper size like 11x14 in, Hagaki, Index Card and 30 other pagesetup. How can I delete or get rid of unnecessary paper sizes?
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