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Found 5 results

  1. Good evening everyone, id like to insert attribute block to my drawing file and copy it when selecting multiple line , thanks in advance
  2. (setq cdate_val (rtos (getvar "CDATE") 2 6)) (setq YYYY (substr cdate_val 1 4) M (substr cdate_val 5 2) D (substr cdate_val 7 2) ) (setq dateFolderName (strcat D "-" M "-" YYYY)) (setq subfolderName (strcat (rtos x 2 2) "-" modtext)) (setq nestedFolderPath (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") "\\" dateFolderName "\\" subfolderName)) (princ (strcat "\nNested Folder Path: " nestedFolderPath)) (if (not (vl-file-directory-p nestedFolderPath)) ; Use vl-file-directory-p for checking directories (progn (if (vl-mkdir nestedFolderPath) (prompt (strcat "\nCreated folder: " nestedFolderPath)) (prompt (strcat "\nFailed to create folder: " nestedFolderPath)) ) ) (prompt (strcat "\nFolder already exists: " nestedFolderPath)) ) (setq saveFileName (strcat nestedFolderPath "\\" (vl-filename-base (getvar "DWGNAME")) ".dxf")) (princ (strcat "\nSave File Path: " saveFileName)) (if (not(vl-file-copy (getvar "DWGNAME") saveFileName)) (prompt (strcat "\nError: Unable to save the processed drawing as DXF.")) (prompt (strcat "\nProcessed drawing saved to: " saveFileName)) ) (princ) Why this code did not work..?
  3. Merhaba, forumun yeni bir üyesi olacağım. Senden bir ricam var. 1-Elimdeki aynı katmanda çizilen polillerin uzunlukları, bana bir tablodaki sonucu verecek olan yükseklik ile çarpılacaktır. Tabloda bir sayı bölümü olacak ve bu sayılar çoklu çizgiye yazılacak ve kontrol edilecektir. 2- Elimdeki kapalı polilin alanları, belirleyeceğim ve sonuçları bir tablo halinde vereceğim yükseklikle çarpılacaktır. Tabloda bir sayı bölümü olacak ve bu sayılar çoklu çizgiye yazılacak ve kontrol edilecektir. İşlem sırası: 1- Polyline'ı seçin. 2- Yükseklik değerini isteyin ve klavyeden girin. 3- Tablonun gerçekleşeceği yeri tıklayın Ekli resimler bu konuda yardımcı olacaktır.İngilizcem için özür dilerim test.dwg
  4. Hello, I was wondering if anyone has/ can whip up a LISP routine that selects any dimension (rotated, aligned, diametric, radial, ect) from the entire drawing (not just a selection) that has a "dim scale linear" value that is <> Not Equal to 1 I have been doing it in "qselect" then choosing the options but this is very time consuming. (Where it says "Rotated Dimension" I would like the command to check all dimension types at once, not just rotated) Thank-you kindly, Ola
  5. Hi, I was working with a DCL and Lisp a few days and got some doubts: 1 - radio_button: 1.1 - Has there a way to check between a number "x" of radio_button, which is the currently radio_button selected? 1.2 - To run the code and to select a first item, I use on DCL file, as enabled: is_enabled = true (it only put a dot on that item, but not select it as a click over there, in other words, only show a dot image). On lisp code I wrote to try to execute a action: (set_tile "rb1" 1), but not works, in the same way not as a click over there. 2 - toggle_button. 2.1 - The toggle button has a possibility to do a action_tile when it is pressed a first time (before to be selected), to "deselect" it is there a whay to do one action? eg.: when I select the toggle, I show one image, but when I deselect it, the image need to be changed, is there how to do it? Thanks in advance to any help!...
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