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  1. Hi! I would appriciate if someone would help me soloving this problem. As the first picture presents: 1.Only some of the quadrangle are being crossed with two red lines 2.Numbers, quadrangles and red lines are in separate layers I need to do the following thing: 1.Make sure that all quadrangles are closed and that each quadrangle has one number inside of that closed area. 2.Get a list of quadrangles that are being crossed over with two red lines (the space between two red lines is the one that counts) (for this example I must get: 500, 501, 505, 506, 507, 508) 3.Find out the area of each given quadrangle in step 2. (for example 500 – 1360.32, 501 – 4056.42, 505 – 5050.03 etc.) and hatch each one of them (it would be nice if I could automatically find out the number of hatched quadrangles – for this example: 6). So the final result should be: in CAD as in picture 2 with number of hatched objects: 6 and in a file that is excel/notepad readable as in picture 3. http://imageshack.us/f/850/blaog.png/
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