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Converting Cad duct solids


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Hi All,

Ive been aggressivly lurking here for some time now, but finally i have a problen that cant be solved by mere lurking alone.


Our company has been supplied a set of Cad Duct layouts to be amended/standardised against the rest of the drawings in the project. However we donit run Cad Duct at all.

Does anyone know if/how to convert the Cad Duct solids and layouts into objects that can be altered in Auto Cad?


I know you can adjust length etc by dragging grips. Unfortunatly were required to almost compleatly reformat the drawings (whoever was subbed in originally had some pretty "interesting" drawing composition :S )


Thanks in advance for any help.



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theyve been recieved in .dwg format but were created in Cad Duct. unfortunatly this is all i know, im kinta doin a "fix it" job on a sub's drawings.

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Ah, yes... CAD Duct is an Autodesk addon so you should be able to manipulate the objects as you would normally a 3d drawing. The only benifit of the "DUCT" addon is to provide you with duct libraries, routing options, etc... Idealy, anything that "duct" can do, Autocad can do. Are you trying to convert the solids in to a 2d format?

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