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Can some one help me with stuctural drafting.Thank the lord is back


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Am doing the structural drafting project (online student)

I placed the w12x152, w12x45 and c9x20. but i dont understand the following:

the channel beams rest on the bottom flange of the girders. there is a 1" gap from the web of the girder to the end of the channel.

• Each channel beam is bolted to the girder with a 1/2

thick angle. Each leg of the angle is 4, and the angle is

6wide. There are two angles used for each channel

beam, one at either end of the channel. The angle is

bolted to the backside of the channel using two 5/8Ø

bolts that are 2 1/2long. Each bolt is positioned 1 1/2

away from the end of the angle as well as 1 1/2away

from the nearest side of the angle. Two more bolts with

the same dimensions fasten the other leg of the angle to

the web of the girder. These other two bolts are also

positioned 1 1/2away from the end of the angle as well

as 1 1/2away from the nearest side of the angle.

Please help.

Thank you.

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may be am doing it all wrong. so if the yellow one is the w12x45 and the red one is the c9x20 i don't know what the color blue one is. this is what i got so far. am i in the right direction?


Thank you.Untitled.jpg

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What he said, except I think the angle is supposed to be on the "backside" of the channel.


Correct, I just threw something out there for him to get a visual, I have placed so many on the inside of the Channel I just did that out of habit.. The blue is the L1/2 x 4 x 4 6"Lg. I left out the bolts and bolt holes as well, I am not doing the project for him. :D


If you plan on doing structural work, you need to get some related books, those are standard connections. http://www.google.com/#q=Structural+steel+books&hl=en&prmd=ivnsb&source=univ&tbs=shop:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=3veBTY2kKMS3tgfl8-nMBA&sqi=2&ved=0CEgQrQQ&biw=1253&bih=729&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=5795f80f89536f59

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I cannot access screencast from work, could you post it here?


I don't think I can upload/attach it to the forums since it's around a 3MB .swf video. I can throw it up on rapidshare in a zip file if you like.

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Is this one of the Penn Foster things? If it is, there is a thread on here some where from not too long ago on this very thing. All the drawings and everything. I'll see if I can find it.

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Yes this is for the pennfoster online school.

Hey nestly i went to rapidshare page and created an account but charges me 5.99€

Can you send me that file?

You are right slw210, i want to do it my self with some help from you guys. when i did the oleson village i only askes 2 questions and was able to do it myself but this one is crazy.

am affraid to ask more questions. Thank you

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Hey gusy i moved the c9x20 to this new location after seing nestly's video. i see the pink ones as w12x152 the orange as w12x45 and the blueones as c9x20 on the video is that right? am i drawing them as long as in the video or is my drawing looking ok? am going crazy guys please be patient with me. thank you.





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The rapidshare file is the same thing as the screencast video.... please don't pay for anything,


I believe what you're trying to draw is the steel structure of something like a warehouse or a multi-story building.


The W12x152's are the vertical columns and the W12x45's are the horizontal girders that form the main floor/roof structure and they span between the columns. The C9' are also part of horizontal roof structure and span between the W12x45's and are connected to the W12x45's with 4x4x6 angle clips as shown in the video.

Edited by nestly
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Click the 'Free/slow' download or equivalent on Rapidshare, you don't need to pay to download from it (or even register to download for free).

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The paragraph that was posted gives the discription of the details.PF details.JPG

This is the drawing of the OP's discription.


Be very carefull as you read the instructions. I had to do one paragraph at a time.

Remember that the instructions are not layed out in the correct draw order. Some of the instructions will be for other plates, or needed elsewere in the project.

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so in real life the beams girders and channel beams are long pieces of steal that run, lets say from one girder to another? if so why was i picturing them as a small metal thing that supports other long metal things.

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"Small metal things that supports other long metal things." Funny. Sounds like my wife describing something under the hood (or bonnet). "You know, the big thingy next to the whatchamacallit."


If the small things are pieces of angle with two or three bolts in them that also go through either the web of the BEAM or the flange of the BEAM those are called "clips". It might be helpful if you looked up some terminology of structural steel.

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