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No objects shown in new view ports


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I am running LT2014, and have already created functioning layout view ports with correctly displayed objects. However, when I draw a new view port now, it does not have anything displayed in it. I have checked to insure all layers are on, layers are not frozen in view port, the view port is checked to display objects, the drawing is not corrupted, and I have done Zoom>E. Nothing seems to help here, is there a switch that I have accidentally turned off or on?


This seems to have started after I clipped an existing view port to fit page space better. Help!

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I checked MAXACTVP AND IT WAS . I have checked to make sure layers are not frozen in new VP or in the current one either. I have done Zoom>Extents with no luck. Tried to upload the 2 MB file without success, but as I have not tried this before, I may not be doing it correctly. Is it just slow to upload, I waited about 5 minutes while the busy symbol work without success? I have fiber optic internet so that isn't it.

Edited by darrellk-1
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You may have some objects in MS that are a long way from the rest of the model. Go to model space and do a zoom extents. Does everything disappear? If so then go back to where you can see your model information, use erase, all, then remove, and with a crossing window select your model information. Now try zoom extents again.

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