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3 hours ago, prodromosm said:

Hi .I know that this post is old but i need to ask if someone can update the code and add and extra optionto divide into 2 or more parts  with a user line option
like this




very good ...........there is an ADD-on  it is name ((AdjustArea.msi)) you can find it in for free autodesk exchange store 

Edited by Abdulellah
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Hi Abdulellah. The  AdjustArea.msi is not exactly the same thing. I ask to divide a polygon  with a user line option  not to change the shape of the polygon or scale a part of the polygon.




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  • 2 years later...

Hi is it possible to do an update to this code

;;;DIVAREA.LSP  ver 2.0   Plot division utility (metric units)
;;;                       by Yorgos Angelopoulos
;;;                       agior1959@gmail.com
;;;  Suppose that you have to split a big part into 2, 3, 4 (even works for 5.014)
;;;  or you want to cut a smaller part out of the parent one.
;;;  All you need is a CLOSED polyline to define the parent part.
;;;  Load the utility, after placing it into an appropriate folder,
;;;  let's say \Program Files\Acad2000\Support, invoke "APPLOAD" command
;;;  or invoke (LOAD"DIVAREA") and run it by entering DIVAREA.
;;;  For proper execution please note that:
;;;     1. The area which is enclosed by the poly must be FREE of
;;;          entities which could cause unexpected behaviour of the BOUNDARY
;;;          command (this command is the key to the solution). ERASE ALL lines,
;;;          polylines, circles, etc. inside the lwpoly. Text, nodes and attribs
;;;          may not interfere with the BOUNDARY command
;;;     2. The DIVISION LINE must CROSS THE BOUNDARY polyline,
;;;          is imaginary, you MUST NOT draw it, let the routine draw it,
;;;          just indicate its endpoints  
;;;          (you may have to draw auxilliary entities BEFORE you start DIVAREA)
;;;     3. Bear in mind that this DIVISION LINE will be rotated (or be offseted) and
;;;         neither of its endpoints should be inside the boundary, at
;;;         any moment, or else the result will be unexpected.
;;;     4. An easy way to help things going, is to indicate the two
;;;         end-points as FAR OUT from the boundary as possible, not exceeding
;;;         of course, your current visibe area.
;;;     5. The only exception is for the FIXED POINT, in case that 
;;;          you prefer "F" rather than "C" as an answer in the relevant question.
;;;          Fixed point must be ON or OUTSIDE the polyline, NEVER INSIDE.
;;;     6. Next, pick a point into the part which will obtain the desired
;;;         area. You have to indicate INTO it, NOT ON the boundary and AS FAR
;;;         from division line as possible, so this point will not be outside of
;;;         the desired part while the division line is moving towards the point.
;;;     7. Finally, you have to indicate the remaining part, exactly 
;;;          by the same way, FAR FROM DIVISION line and INTO the remaining piece.
;;;     8. For better area approximation you can decrease local vars
;;;         stp2 and stp1 in the following program-lines accordingly.
;;;******************UTILITY STARTS HERE*******************************
(defun getver_poly (entnme / subent pllst vertex)    ;;POLYLINE VERTICES LIST
(setq subent (entnext entnme))
(setq pllst '())
(while subent
 (setq vertex (cdr (assoc 10 (entget subent))))
 (setq pllst (append pllst (list vertex)))
 (setq subent (entnext subent))
(defun getver_lwpoly (entnme / oldpl nodpl ptyp i n pllst)    ;;LWPOLYLINE VERTICES LIST
(setq oldpl(entget entnme))
(setq nodpl(cdr(assoc 90 oldpl)))
(setq ptyp (cdr(assoc 70 oldpl)))
(setq pllst '())
(setq i 0)
(setq n 0)
(while (car(nth i oldpl))
       (if (= (car(nth i oldpl)) 10) 
                    (setq pllst (append pllst (list (cdr(nth i oldpl)))))
                    (setq n(+ 1 n))
        (setq i (+ i 1))
(if (= ptyp 1)
        (setq pllst (append pllst (list(nth 0 pllst))))
        (setq pllst (cdr pllst))
(defun prerr (s)
(if (/= s "Function cancelled")
    (princ (strcat "\nError: " s))
(setq *error* olderr)
);close defun
(Defun C:DIVAREA(/ osm strpf strdc ex arxent arx arxon pllst k scl ok 
                  d p1 p2 pts ptb deln ar par tem
                  stp stp1 stp2                
(setq olderr *error*
      *error* prerr)
(setq osm(getvar "osmode"))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq ex 0
      stp  0.10
      stp1 0.05
      stp2 0.005
(setq arxent (car(entsel "\nSelect a CLOSED polyline : "))
      arx (entget arxent)
      arxon  (cdr (assoc -1 arx))
(if (not
            (equal (cdr(assoc 0 arx)) "LWPOLYLINE")
            (equal (cdr(assoc 0 arx)) "POLYLINE")
            (= (cdr(assoc 70 arx)) 1)
          (setq ex 1)
(if (= ex 0)
      (command "_undo" "m") ;if something goes bad, you may return here
      (if (equal (cdr(assoc 0 arx)) "LWPOLYLINE")
          (setq pllst (getver_lwpoly arxent))
          (setq pllst (getver_poly arxent))
      (command "_layer" "m" "Area_Division" "")
      (command "_area" "e" arxon)
      (setq ar(getvar "area"))
      (initget "Divide Cut" 1)
      (setq strdc(getkword "\nDIVIDE by number or CUT a part ? (D/C) :")) 
      (if (= strdc "Divide")
                (setq k  (getreal "\nEnter number to divide the whole part by : "))
                (setq tem(/ ar k))
          (setq tem (getreal "\nEnter area to cut from the whole part (m2) : "))
      (initget "Parallel Fixed" 1)
      (setq strpf(getkword "\nPARALLEL to a direction or FIXED side? (P/F) :")) 
      (if (= strpf "Fixed")
(defun fixpt ()
(setvar "osmode" osm)
(setq scl    0.05
      p1     (getpoint "\nPick fixed point of the division line : ")
      p2     (getpoint "\nPick second point of division line: ")
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(command "_line" p1 p2 "")
(setq deln (entlast))
(setq pts (getpoint "\nPick any point into FIRST piece, FAR from division line: "))
(setq ptb (getpoint "\nPick any point into the REST of the piece, FAR from division line: "))
(setvar "blipmode" 0)
(princ "\nPlease wait...")
(command "_boundary" pts "")
(command "_area" "e" "l")
(setq par(getvar "area"))
(setq ok -1)
(if (< par tem)
       (while (< par tem)
        (entdel (entlast))
        (if (< (- tem par) 50)(setq scl stp))
        (if (< (- tem par) 10)(setq scl stp2))
        (command "_rotate" deln "" p1 (* scl ok))
        (command "_boundary" pts "")
        (command "_area" "e" "l")
        (if (< (getvar "area") par)
            (setq ok(* ok -1))
        (setq par(getvar "area"))
       (entdel deln)
       (while (> par tem)
        (entdel (entlast))
        (if (< (- par tem) 50)(setq scl stp))
        (if (< (- par tem) 10)(setq scl stp2))
        (command "_rotate" deln "" p1 (* scl ok))
        (command "_boundary" pts "")
        (command "_area" "e" "l")
        (if (> (getvar "area") par)
            (setq ok(* ok -1))
        (setq par(getvar "area"))
       (entdel deln)
(command "_change" "l" "" "p" "c" "green" "")
(command "_boundary" ptb "")
(command "_change" "l" "" "p" "c" "red" "")
(defun parpt ()
(setvar "osmode" osm)
(setq scl    0.25
      p1     (getpoint "\nPick one point of division line (far from lwpoly) : ")
      p2     (getpoint "\nPick other point of division line (far from lwpoly) : ")
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(command "_line" p1 p2 "")
(setq deln(entlast))
(setq pts (getpoint "\nPick any point into FIRST piece, FAR from division line: "))
(setq ptb (getpoint "\nPick any point into the REST of the piece, FAR from division line: "))
(setvar "blipmode" 0)
(princ "\nPlease wait...")
(command "_boundary" pts "")
(command "_area" "e" "l")
(setq par(getvar "area"))
(if (< par tem)
       (while (< par tem)
        (entdel (entlast))
        (if (< (- tem par) 50)(setq scl stp1))
        (if (< (- tem par) 10)(setq scl stp2))
        (command "_offset" scl deln ptb "")
        (entdel deln)
        (setq deln(entlast))
        (command "_boundary" pts "")
        (command "_area" "e" "l")
        (setq par(getvar "area"))
       (entdel deln)
       (while (> par tem)
        (entdel (entlast))
        (if (< (- par tem) 50)(setq scl stp1))
        (if (< (- par tem) 10)(setq scl stp2))
        (command "_offset" scl deln pts "")
        (entdel deln)
        (setq deln(entlast))
        (command "_boundary" pts "")
        (command "_area" "e" "l")
        (setq par(getvar "area"))
       (entdel deln)
(command "_change" "l" "" "p" "c" "green" "")
(command "_boundary" ptb "")
(command "_change" "l" "" "p" "c" "red" "")
(defun ready ()
 (princ scl)
 (princ "\nActual : ")
 (princ par)
 (princ "\nMust be: ")
 (princ tem)
(setq *error* olderr)
(setvar "osmode" osm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
(setvar "blipmode" 1)
(princ "\nThanks...")
);close defun


i was thinking a change to this part of the code (for parallel line), to already draw a line or polyline  and select this line to divide the area. Can any one help?


(defun parpt ()
(setvar "osmode" osm)
(setq scl    0.25
      p1     (getpoint "\nPick one point of division line (far from lwpoly) : ")
      p2     (getpoint "\nPick other point of division line (far from lwpoly) : ")
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(command "_line" p1 p2 "")
(setq deln(entlast))
(setq pts (getpoint "\nPick any point into FIRST piece, FAR from division line: "))
(setq ptb (getpoint "\nPick any point into the REST of the piece, FAR from division line: "))
(setvar "blipmode" 0)
(princ "\nPlease wait...")
(command "_boundary" pts "")
(command "_area" "e" "l")
(setq par(getvar "area"))
(if (< par tem)
       (while (< par tem)
        (entdel (entlast))
        (if (< (- tem par) 50)(setq scl stp1))
        (if (< (- tem par) 10)(setq scl stp2))
        (command "_offset" scl deln ptb "")
        (entdel deln)
        (setq deln(entlast))
        (command "_boundary" pts "")
        (command "_area" "e" "l")
        (setq par(getvar "area"))
       (entdel deln)
       (while (> par tem)
        (entdel (entlast))
        (if (< (- par tem) 50)(setq scl stp1))
        (if (< (- par tem) 10)(setq scl stp2))
        (command "_offset" scl deln pts "")
        (entdel deln)
        (setq deln(entlast))
        (command "_boundary" pts "")
        (command "_area" "e" "l")
        (setq par(getvar "area"))
       (entdel deln)
(command "_change" "l" "" "p" "c" "green" "")
(command "_boundary" ptb "")
(command "_change" "l" "" "p" "c" "red" "")




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