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Rackspace Dynamic Block?


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You need SMALLER stretch frames, not larger ones. You only want to cover what's absolutely necessary. Look how small the stretch frame on mine is.


Also, the H V parameters are completely unnecessary. They're not doing anything in this case. And they may be causing problems.


All mine is, is one rectangle, one attribute, two parameters, and four actions. It's very simple, but it does exactly what you're looking for. I feel like you're over-complicating matters.


OK thanks. So do I just create actions without parameters? Sorry for the newbie questions but I've watched every YouTube and Lynda.com video I could find on the topic and they all say for a "basic stretch", create a parameter, then assign an action. I didn't try any other way.

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Also, a quick change of your four lines to a rectangle solves your top-line problem! If you do that (and then obviously fix your selection sets) everything seems to be hunky dory!

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No, you have to assign an action to a parameter. But in this case, you have the distance parameters in place. Your stretch frames should be attached to your distance parameters, not your H V parameters.

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No, you have to assign an action to a parameter. But in this case, you have the distance parameters in place. Your stretch frames should be attached to your distance parameters, not your H V parameters.


I seriously only see two parameters. They were distance but I renamed them to Height and Width. I'll try with a rectangle and smaller frames.


Thanks again for the help.

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Sorry, they're constraints, not parameters. They're not necessary though!


OH! I didn't create them, and have never used them, so how did they get there? I didn't even know they were set to HIDE, so once I turned them on and deleted, all is working.

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Isn't there such a thing as Autoconstraint in full autocad that could maybe have created them, I have seen so many good dynamic blocks made completely unworkable due to constraints. I don't get to create or edit them (LT) but I can delete the little b*****s :twisted: And indeed in this case deleting them left a perfectly working block.

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Welp. Thanks guys for the help. I saw a video demo of Auto Constraints and it seems like it is something that you Apply to something already drawn, not that is on when you draw, but I could be missing something here. I also saw a few demos of how they are pretty useful inside of blocks but I haven't found a use yet.


Seems to me a Constraints toggle should be on the bottom with status toggles.

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