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Field command capabilities

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Hopefully I am just unaware of a setting or method for doing this but so far the field command is handy but missing something. Associative updates.


When a polyline is drawn and used for calculating the area the field command does a quick job of extracting that info into a field text element. Problem is when that polyline boundary is changed the "field text" that was established previously does not update.


Is this even possible or am I S.O.L.?


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When in doubt?

Check Lee Mac out.




Thanks Lee! :beer:


This is one of a number of lisps dealing with FIELDS on Lee's site.

Check them out, you'll be glad you did.


Aside from Lee's BIG magic, you should probably consider what may or may not, be available options in MEP, which I do not use.

I use 2013 Vanilla, but it is highly likely that the variable FIELDEVAL is in your software too.

Worth a shot.


The following lisps looks pretty cool too.




Lee Mac rocks! :beer:

fieldeval system variable.jpg

Edited by Dadgad
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Unless you changed the Sysvar FIELDEVAL value, a regen, save, etc. should update the FIELD as shown by Dadgad.


If that doesn't work, post the .dwg.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well that was easy. Thanks for the input. FIEDLEVAL was all I needed. Apparently I did a poor job investigating this initially.


Thanks again!


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Glad that helped you.

When in doubt try looking through your SYSVDLG box, choose a name which likely puts you in the right zipcode, like FIELD, not FIEDL, then just scroll through the list with your keyboard cursor, and you will certainly learn a lot, and probably find what you are looking for. :beer:

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