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Try this work in a clock direction when picking tangents

; draw 2 tangents to circle and trim circles
; By Alanh Nov 2019
; info@alanh.com.aut
(defun c:cslot ( / obj1 obj2 pt1 pt2 start1 start2 end1 end2)
(princ "\nPick tangents work around clock")
(command "line" "_tan" pause "_tan" pause "")
(setq obj1 (entlast))
(command "line" "_tan" pause "_tan" pause "")
(setq obj2 (entlast))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj1))
(setq start1 (vlax-get Obj 'StartPoint))
(setq end1 (vlax-get Obj 'EndPoint))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj2))
(setq start2 (vlax-get Obj 'StartPoint))
(setq end2 (vlax-get Obj 'EndPoint))
(command "Line" start1 end2 "")
(setq obj1 (entlast))
(command "Line" start2 end1 "")
(setq obj2 (entlast))
(setq pt1 (polar start1 (angle start1 end2) (/ (distance start1 end2) 2.0)))
(setq pt2 (polar start2 (angle start2 end1) (/ (distance start2 end1) 2.0)))
(command "trim" obj1 obj2 "" "f" pt1 pt2 "" "")
(command "erase" obj1 obj2 "")


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On 11/19/2019 at 7:17 PM, BIGAL said:

Try this work in a clock direction when picking tangents

; draw 2 tangents to circle and trim circles
; By Alanh Nov 2019
; info@alanh.com.aut
(defun c:cslot ( / obj1 obj2 pt1 pt2 start1 start2 end1 end2)
(princ "\nPick tangents work around clock")
(command "line" "_tan" pause "_tan" pause "")
(setq obj1 (entlast))
(command "line" "_tan" pause "_tan" pause "")
(setq obj2 (entlast))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj1))
(setq start1 (vlax-get Obj 'StartPoint))
(setq end1 (vlax-get Obj 'EndPoint))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj2))
(setq start2 (vlax-get Obj 'StartPoint))
(setq end2 (vlax-get Obj 'EndPoint))
(command "Line" start1 end2 "")
(setq obj1 (entlast))
(command "Line" start2 end1 "")
(setq obj2 (entlast))
(setq pt1 (polar start1 (angle start1 end2) (/ (distance start1 end2) 2.0)))
(setq pt2 (polar start2 (angle start2 end1) (/ (distance start2 end1) 2.0)))
(command "trim" obj1 obj2 "" "f" pt1 pt2 "" "")
(command "erase" obj1 obj2 "")



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BIGAL. Thank you so much. This is exactly what I was trying to accomplish. I appreciate it. I might have one more lisp program that I am having a hard time putting together. Would you be willing to take a look at it if I can not get it right? 

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23 hours ago, BIGAL said:

Another bit simpler in the maths pick 2 circles use offsets to work out approx. tan points then as before code as above. Now need time to try it.





@BIGAL  beware - offset method not always tangent, try if circle2 radius greater 5x than circle1, the line may intersects with bigger circle.


should check secant.


here' a bit math, not trim command

(defun c:slot (/ s an a1 a2 cc c1 c2 d1 d2 r1 r2) ;hanhphuc 21.11.2019
  (and (while (or (prompt "\nSelect ONLY 2 circles, <ENTER> to accept.. ") (not s) (> (sslength s) 2))
	 (setq s (ssget "_:E:L+." '((0 . "CIRCLE"))))
       (mapcar ''((a b) (mapcar 'set a (mapcar ''((i) (cdr (assoc i (entget b)))) '(10 40))))
	       '((c1 r1) (c2 r2))
	       (setq cc (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex s))))
       (setq d1	(distance c1 c2)
	     a1	(angle c1 c2)
	     d2	(- r1 r2)
       (< (abs d2) d1) ; bug fixed LM:2CircleTangents
;;;	     a2	(+ (* pi 0.5) (asin (/ r2 (* 2. d1)))) ; bug?
       (setq a2	(atan (sqrt (- (* d1 d1) (* d2 d2))) d2)
	     an	(list (+ a1 a2) (- a1 a2))
	     ep	(mapcar	''((x)
			   (setq x (eval (cons 'vl-list* x)))
			   (entmakex (cons '(0 . "ARC") (mapcar 'cons '(10 40 50 51) x)))
			   (mapcar ''((i) (polar (car x) (nth i x) (cadr x))) '(2 3))
			'((c1 r1 an) (c2 r2 (reverse an)))
       (foreach	x (apply 'mapcar (cons 'list (list (car ep) (reverse (cadr ep)))))
	 (entmakex (cons '(0 . "LINE") (mapcar ''((a b) (cons a b)) '(10 11) x)))
       (mapcar 'entdel cc)


Edited by hanhphuc
(< (abs d2) d1) ; bug fixed refer to LM:2CircleTangents
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33 minutes ago, marko_ribar said:

Shouldn't a2 be, just : (setq a2 (atan d2 d1)); and (setq d2 (abs (- r1 r2)))


I just checked your code and it seems that you are right, although I don't quite know how you derived that formula and for what is worth it works as tangents and not what I initially thought as like shown on pictures...

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47 minutes ago, marko_ribar said:


I just checked your code and it seems that you are right, although I don't quite know how you derived that formula and for what is worth it works as tangents and not what I initially thought as like shown on pictures...


I got it... I wrongly visualized pitagoras triangle... Distance of tangent line between 2 circles is one edge of triangle wich hipotenuse is d1... So tangent = (sqrt (- (* d1 d1) (* d2 d2)))... And angle for addition/subtraction is angle of that triangle (bigger angle and not like in my wrong formula smaller one - my bad a2=(atan d2 d1)...)

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hanhphuc just using the end points as a approximate pick point for the TAN selection so in my original code 2 picks now rather than 4. Need time to redo, lots on at moment.


line tan pt1 tan pt2

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7 hours ago, Lee Mac said:

You may wish to consider my Circle Tangents program or my LM:2CircleTangents function for this task.



as usual @Lee Mac very elegant code! dynamic & perfect math bulged Lwpolyline !! 😎 


i never thought if 2 circle same position or smaller circle inside big circle - error occurs

so i fixed based on your LM:2CircleTangents thanks :)

(< (abs d2) d1) ; bug fixed LM
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7 hours ago, marko_ribar said:


I got it... I wrongly visualized pitagoras triangle... Distance of tangent line between 2 circles is one edge of triangle wich hipotenuse is d1... So tangent = (sqrt (- (* d1 d1) (* d2 d2)))... And angle for addition/subtraction is angle of that triangle (bigger angle and not like in my wrong formula smaller one - my bad a2=(atan d2 d1)...)





A picture is worth a thousand words 

D2 either R1-R2 or R2-R1 just concept to visualize



Edited by hanhphuc
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