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help for small change in big lisp routine required


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 Dear all,


I have lisp dcl and data files working together to draw steel sections.


I have done all the sections modified to indian standards originally it was written for british standards and it is free of copy rights. Since the author has changed to catia 3 dacades before.


Please find attached images of error, dialog box and lisp files,data files and dcl files. This may looks like a big job. If any lisp expert available he can do it seconds. As I have done whole lot of things with minimum lisp knowledge.








stl_ipn.dat stl_rsj.dat stl_deflt.dat STL.LSP stl_rtee.dat stl_ub.dat stl_rhs.dat stl_shs.dat stl_uc.dat stl_ursa.dat stl_ersa.dat stl_chs.dat stl_rsc.dat stl_pfc.dat stl_ipe.dat rec.dwg stl_passwd.dat stl_pipe.dat stl_steeub.dat stl_steeuc.dat stl_u.dat stl_ubp.dat stl_upn.dat stl_wash.dat README.TXT stl.dcl stl.slb stl_cap.dat stl_csk.dat stl_cub.dat stl_cuc.dat stl_hd.dat stl_he.dat stl_hex.dat stl_hl.dat stl_hp.dat stl_hx.dat

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Grace, God, you attached so much files to your post... Do you know you could use zip and pack them all in single file? Even if someone tries to help you I believe this is too much from you asking someone to download that much files...

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15 hours ago, shortkrish said:

 Dear all,


I have lisp dcl and data files working together to draw steel sections.


I have done all the sections modified to indian standards originally it was written for british standards and it is free of copy rights. Since the author has changed to catia 3 dacades before.


Please find attached images of error, dialog box and lisp files,data files and dcl files. This may looks like a big job. If any lisp expert available he can do it seconds. As I have done whole lot of things with minimum lisp knowledge.









What is the "ERROR", the label on the button? or the references to "UK" and "Euro" ? What should replace them?

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Check forums/Autodesk and Theswamp before any one else answers. Was asked before I know responded.


Need to replace DAT files and maybe update labels in dcl. Or add a new collection. Look at file from other post.


Edited by BIGAL
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