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  1. Hi, I've inherited some drawings which use a lot of custom linetypes which seem to be embedded into the drawing itself. I want to edit them but am unable to locate them. I've checked the acad.lin and they are not found there. Is there any way I can edit them from within the drawing or will I have to create new linetypes and replace / purge the existing ones out? Thanks in advance.
  2. Why? because all the other threads I've checked did not solve the problem. The problem is, if I go to LINETYPE => Load, I get the following error: Bad definition of FENCELINE1 at line 119 of file C://Users/danlun/Documents/ACAD/CAD Resources/acad.lin This then repeats for Fenceline2 (line 121), TRACKS (line 123), BATTING (line 125), ZIGZAG (line 137), and PROPLINE (line 154). This started when I modified a copy of the original acad.lin with a custom linetype called PROPLINE which looks like so: *PROPLINE,Property Line ___ _ _ ___ PL ___ _ _ ___ PL ___ _ A,.5,-.2,["PL",STANDARD,S=.1,U=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-.05],-.2 Note that this was placed at the end of the file in the "User Defined Linetypes Add any linetypes that you define to this section" etc etc section. None of the other linetypes ACAD seems to be having trouble with was touched in any way- I just added PROPLINE. Now, here's what I've tried so far to fix the problem: 1) triple-checked that the acad.lin file I need is in the support file search path. 2) deleted C://Users/danlun/Documents/ACAD/CAD Resources/acad.lin from the support file search path, and moved the correct path to top. 3) moved acad.lin to C://Users/danlun/Documents/ACAD/CAD Resources/ and added it to the support file search path (and deleted the other from there) 4) every iteration of FONTALT I can think of, including . for None 5) moved acadiso.lin out of the same folder (someone on another forum suggested ACAD might somehow be getting confused between the two .lin files) None of the above worked. The only thing I haven't tried is retrieving my default copy of acad.lin and trashing the modified version because, you know, I kinda need that PROPLINE linetype. Any ideas?
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