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Found 6 results

  1. Hey guys! So after seeing the custom invisible linetype on this thread, I decided to test it out. Works beautifully for straight lines (only displaying two dots at the very ends) but fails miserably at arcs. It looks like a single arc segment must actually be composed of multiple linear sub-segments, each of which get dots at their ends. This runs counter to behavior I've seen in other linetypes. The gas linetype in the pic flows smoothly, not jerkily restarting at every bend. And I was hoping linetype generation was the culprit, but nope, looks the same regardless of it being enabled/disabled. So do y'all know if there's a way to make a truly invisible linetype?
  2. We have a couple custom linetypes that need to be loaded every time (only some workstations) open CAD. I have made sure the supported path in options is pointing to the correct location but it still doesn't retain the information once the program is closed and reopened. It is only a problem on some workstations. I have googled and tried everything I can think of. Does anyone have any thoughts?
  3. I created a linetype using a shp, however it is only showing up on my computer and not on anyone elses. Right now the .lin, .shp and .shx are all in a folder on a server where they can be accessed by anyone. Is this something that I will need to make sure is actually on everyone's hard drive and not just the server? Everyone else gets a "Bad Definition" error.
  4. Hi, I've inherited some drawings which use a lot of custom linetypes which seem to be embedded into the drawing itself. I want to edit them but am unable to locate them. I've checked the acad.lin and they are not found there. Is there any way I can edit them from within the drawing or will I have to create new linetypes and replace / purge the existing ones out? Thanks in advance.
  5. I want to make a lintype where line starts with a point and ends with the point and in between is continuous line. Space from points to line should be 1 or 0.5 units depending on the scale I want to plot my drawing in. Just in case there is somekind of confusion about how it should look like there is an image in the attachments. If anyone knows how to do it, pease help!
  6. Hi, Can somebody tell me why these (apparenlty) different two linetype codes give me exactly the same line when I draw them. *ELEC_NEWLITE_U,ELEC_NEWLIGHT_U ----(N)L----(N)L----(N)L----(N)L---- A,.5,-.2,.5,-.2,["(N)L",STANDARD,S=.1,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-.05],-.25 *ELEC_NEWLITE_X,ELEC_NEWLIGHT_X-(N)L-(N)L-(N)L-(N)L- A,30,-.2,["(N)L",STANDARD,S=.1,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-.05] With the first one I intend to see few small dashes "(N)L" few small dashes an so on. With the second one I want to see one long dash "(N)L" long dash "(N)L" and so on. They both appear as few small dashes (N)L few small dashes and so on How do I control how many dashes will be in the line? What is the coding definition for the text portion of the line between []? Thanks much!
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