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Found 11 results

  1. CADTutor

    Sky (Collection 4)

    Version 1.0.0


    What a lovely day This download contains 9 images at 1280x1024 pixels. All images are JPEG files and are suitable for use as backgrounds within AutoCAD or for photomontage use with Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Photo or any similar bitmap software. These images can also be used as environment maps with 3D Studio.
  2. CADTutor

    Sky (Collection 3)

    Version 1.0.0


    Summer haze This download contains 9 images at 1280x1024 pixels. All images are JPEG files and are suitable for use as backgrounds within AutoCAD or for photomontage use with Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Photo or any similar bitmap software. These images can also be used as environment maps with 3D Studio.
  3. CADTutor

    Sky (Collection 2)

    Version 1.0.0


    Cloudscape This download contains 9 images at 1280x1024 pixels. All images are JPEG files and are suitable for use as backgrounds within AutoCAD or for photomontage use with Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Photo or any similar bitmap software. These images can also be used as environment maps with 3D Studio.
  4. CADTutor

    Sky (Collection 1)

    Version 1.0.0


    At the end of the day This download contains 9 images at 1280x1024 pixels. All images are JPEG files and are suitable for use as backgrounds within AutoCAD or for photomontage use with Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Photo or any similar bitmap software. These images can also be used as environment maps with 3D Studio.
  5. kpyoung333

    Custom IBL Environments

    Been researching how to change the IBL background environment and I am getting conflicting information. I have found articles dating back to 2011 requesting custom HDR images to be allowed for uploading. As far as I can find this is still not possible. I found a request in the inventor ideastation that is exactly what I am trying to do. http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/inventor-ideastation/scene-image-lighting-import-custom-hdr-enviroments/idi-p/5081856#M6363 Is this possible or is this just a doctored image of what they are proposing because I don't have those buttons in 2016. I went into Showcase and created a background, it saved in the formats that are similar to Old Warehouse, copied to the root IBL folder, it shows up in the dropdown for available lighting styles (it does nothing), but won't show up in the Studio available styles. Much like everyone else I want to create a custom background for our company, something a bit more logical instead of putting an image randomly in the middle of the road. So close but I fear it is not possible so I don't feel like spinning my wheels in Showcase (which by the way what is the point of it? The resolution and rendering in it are miles apart from Studio...) Any help is appreciated!
  6. I want to create some blocks of trees and other vegetation to embellish my architectural plans. I have a set of watercolor trees in photoshop with transparent background I want to use for this. I want the images of these trees to be embedded in autocad instead of being inserted, so there's no reference link and I don't also have to send the images seperate from the autocad drawing when forwarding the file. Then I want to turn these images into blocks so they are handy in use. When I use the command 'pastespec' to embed the image in autocad and check the box 'Image Entity', I can turn on 'Background Transparency' but it doesn't work, the background stays white. When I insert the image the normal way (drag and drop in autocad) and then turn on 'Background Transparency' it works perfectly, but the image has a reference link... Is there any way to embed a picture in autocad with the option to have a transparent background? Thanks in advance!!
  7. I was wondering if its possible and someone knows a way, to get another machine to do the grunt work on a batchplot; in a similar way to a render farm outsources computer power to do large renders. I find the plot in background option takes significantly longer to plot and slows the computer down to boot, we have a spare CAD machine sitting in the corner, I'm imagining it wont be too hard but I could be wrong. cheers
  8. I need to get a PNG (or any other image file) with a transparent background off of my layouts. We need them to put some images on our website. I've tried everything...pngout, wmfout, converting, GIMP, inkscape...can't seem to make it work. Any help or advice is much appreciated.
  9. This is my first post on CADTutor so please go easy on me if I do anything wrong! I am trying to render a scene, but without having a grey background. I have tried the following techniques but I still cant get it to work without some sort of issue. 1. Tried adding a sun and sky illumination, its renders the image perfectly but this sadly brings in a greyish background. 2. Tried creating a view in model space and then I added a white background image, but it seems to darken the render, although it does sort the white background problem 3. Finally I tried creating a viewport in paperspace, this sorts the white background problem, but I then lose all of my shadows. All of the above are based on a perspective view/angle Can anyone suggest a solution?
  10. Lewis C

    Inventor 3D Backgrounds

    Hi, I am using Inventor 2012 and have created some products, but want to show them in their environments by using the 3D (HDR) backgrounds. There are some 3D backgrounds already installed (empty lab, old warehouse etc) if anyone could tell me where to get more it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, Lewis.
  11. On a 2D CAD drawing, I'm trying to get the very detailed background structural steel to be ghosted when I print it out so that my electrical conduits will stand out more, and I can't for the life of me remember how to do that. I've tried changing line weights to .05mm, and I've looked online everywhere for help, but no luck. FYI, the entire drawing is vectored, no inserted images, so I cannot set transparency options on anything. Any ideas?
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