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Annotative Scales and Linetypes


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I find annotative scales useful for text and for dimensions but what annoys me is that when the scale is changed, it affects the linetypes globally once a regen is performed. For text, dims, hatch etc, you are able to choose whether or not to make an object annotative, is there a way of opting out when it comes to linetypes?


Even though the annotative function has been around for a few years now, it still seems like AutoDesk have done a half-job on it. With both the Global LTS & Annotative scales able to alter linetypes globally, surely (1) LTS should simply be phased out, or (2) there should be a way of protecting the linetypes from annotative scale changes for those who want that control. This is the main reason I haven't encouraged any of my clients to adopt the use of Annotative scales yet. Linetypes are difficult enough to understand and manage for the low-end user and now there's one extra complication and potential avenue of cock-up.


It also seems as though linetypes are not affected by Annotative scales in drawings created in 2009 and older.


Any advice would be appreciated and I'd be interested to hear other opinions.

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That's it! A value of 0 for the system variable leaves the linetypes unaffected by annotative scales. AutoCADs help menu also notes that 0 was the default value for 2007 and older which explains why the older drawings of mine weren't affected. Thanks very much for the help.

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