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Penn Foster Student Suffering with Oleson Village Map!!!

AutoCad Student

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I see you are running Win8. There should be a feature called the Snipping Tool included with the OS. Use it to create an image (PNG). The background of the image will be exactly the same as the one in AutoCAD.

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I have been starting work early because its already in the hundreds here in Oklahoma. I do Heating and Air so that's good for me right now, but as soon as I get home i will do that. I only have couple jobs scheduled for today, and will be home early.

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I briefly visited Oklahoma City some time back. Never had much of a chance to look around but the waitress with the syrupy voice sure made a big impression on me. LoL


Stay hydrated and we'll catch up later. I'm be around probably until 5 p.m. EDST.

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Lol, I have lived here 16 years now. I was stationed here and ended up staying. I miss my mountains and trees,grew up in Pa.

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The above image was created using the Snipping Tool that was included with Windows 7. My background in AutoCAD is normally black to begin with. The screen capture shows exactly what I am seeing. There is no need to "convert" or change the background color.


Are the radii the red arrows point to the ones you are inquiring about? If "yes" what is your particular problem?

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Yes I like to use the black background also, easy on the eyes.. I just got home and going to find snipping tool to get this uploading problem solved.


The radii on south end of SW Village Rd. and where the cul-de-sac join is my biggest problem. I could not get Fillet to 30 foot radius.

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I got north end to the 30, I had gone in to properties and changed it from the 20 to a 30 foot radius. Did I read in one of your post that is a bad practice? Changing the property of an entity that way.


In past months, I have followed so many post that I may be thinking of something totally different.:)

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I was using tapatalk earlier this morning and instead of staying on that one post and creating new threads when we talk, it was creating a new post every time. I do not want to junk up the site, sorry about that. Will see what I was doing there.

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Got all my radii corrected and touched up and trimmed a few things. Trying to complete this by the book and then check it with your work and posts. Capture.jpg

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Lol, see my want to be trees out to the left.:lol: I downloaded your tree blocks and I hope you don't mind? Want to use your blocks as a reference to complete my own.

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Feel free to either use the tree block "as is", edit it or as a guide to designing your own.


Glad to see that you found the Snipping Tool at last.

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Thank you, here is what I have as of today. Had my boys Friday and Saturday so I only worked on it Sunday. Your posts have helped me big time!! Being new it is hard to see the light lol as to how to and where to start an entity. take lot 4 for example, the south border. Once I saw you used circles and Q-snap it all came together. once you see it done everything clicks and comes together.Capture.jpg

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I just had the opportunity to quickly review the new instruction set for the Oleson Village project and I am happy to report that Penn-Foster finally took some (not all) of my suggestions of the past two years to heart and made changes. In the process that also added a couple of "sketches" that I think most students will find very helpful. The one that got my attention though was of the layout for the buffer, sidewalk and "parking" strip. Someone finally figured out what I had been saying all along that these three entities belonged between the right-of-way lines and not outside of them. Finally, no more confusion!


I still have no idea why they need to make the overall limits of the drawing 2000000, 2000000 nor do I understand why they continue to ignore the use of paper space layouts and viewports. It seems that change still comes slow to P-F. Maybe in another ten years they'll catch up to the rest of us. In my opinion, these concepts/commands are not beyond the intellectual prowess of a newcomer to AutoCAD.


I'll do a more in-depth read over the next day or two and report back with any further insights as to the newly revised instructions.





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I thought you would enjoy seeing that. There is also now mention of a property line which I have in my drawing that I don't believe was in older versions, because of all your posts I have used as my goto instructor. I have not seen it in any posts.


I get so upset at some of the PF members on this forum that eat up so much of your valuable time taking in all of your wisdom, and never post a pic of their progress. All though most do, there are just a few that are just disrespectful in not doing so. I feel that you are kind enough to take all the time out of your day to help, the least they could do is send a pic of the progress. Just a hey look, this is thanks to you (Remark) for your help and time.


I agree with the viewports, and paper space comment. I know that with me being new at AutoCAD, that I'm ignorant to alot of usage, and commands within the CAD program, but really have no grasp on those. Thanks to PF's wonderful guidance lol. They actually tell us to come to CADtutor forum, should we have any snags along the way. If I only knew about them then what I do know, anyway THANK YOU.



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  • 2 months later...

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the info I found on this thread and the rest of the site. I'm making good progress on my project but some of the drawings I've seen brought up a question. The heading labels for the property lines in many of the pictures posted are just degrees, but the headings given to us have more precision. I wrote them all out, but what is the correct way? Thanks

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