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  1. I use autocad 2000 at my job to create drawings for CAM. The machining paths are numbered between 521-850 (this is the block name) each time with numbers being used throughout this range, not nessecarily in order. What I want to do is get only these numbered blocks to insert all at once with one command at 0,0. Question one: Can I get a list of just the block names with autolisp? Question 2: Can I filter the block names with some sort of cond? or will I have to go about that another way?
  2. Hello All, I tried to solve a problem lisp and DCL but it is clear that I have a lot to learn. With lisp's trying to insert text in Autocad list opens (see DCL). Any help is welcome. Dialog Text.zip
  3. Hello All, In trying to learn LISP and DCL (http://www.afralisp.net/dialog-control-language/tutorials/dialog-boxes-and-autolisp-part-2.php) I have a question regarding the attached example: selected values ​​can be inserted into the drawing (see attached dwg and jpg's site)? Best Regards All. Samp5.zip
  4. how do i do this?

    Text Atributes

    How would i insert a text atribute to a block that i have already made? AND, does it give me the option to make the text vertical & horizontal before blocking it for use?
  5. Ok, so i have created a dymanic block with tags named "ID_EL" and saved it in a dwg named "ID_EL_DWG.dwg". I open a new drawing and with vba in want to: import the "ID_EL" reference form the "ID_EL_DWG.dwg" file, and the insert the block 3 times in the modelspace with different tag values. I figured out almost everything except the first part. How can i load a block reference form another dwg into the current one? I don't want to insert the dwg as block because then i must explode it to get acces to my dynamic block with tags to modify it. Hope it's not a lot to ask, but i searched the web many times for this and found nothing. (except inserting dwg as block) Alternative solutions are also welcome. Thanks in advance!
  6. Morning all. I'v written a very short routine to insert map tiles we have on our server where all the user has to do is type in the Grid reference they require. All the tiles are named by their reference (i.e. SJ4522 or NZ0572) (defun c:mmbmap ( / GRDREF MAPPATH) (setvar "cmdecho" 1) (setq GRDREF (getstring "Enter Grid Ref [sO4522]: ")) (setq MAPPATH (strcat "N:/CAD/2D/MappingTiles/" GRDREF ".dwg")) (command "_.insert" MAPPATH "0,0,0" "1" "" "") (command "zoom" "o" "l" "") (princ)) This is all very straightforward, BUT (there's always a but), about 10% of the tiles are so large in file size, they are split into 4 tiles (i.e. instead of SE5076, it would be; SE5076NE, SE5076NW, SE5076SE, SE5076SW). So what I'm asking is whether the routine I have can be modified to search for just the first 6 characters of the filename, and if it finds multiple files with that name to insert all of them ?
  7. Hey everyone. I've got a problem that i assume is easy to fix. When I have a model opened, and i insert another model, it's texture disappears? Info: The models I'm importing are "Zoey" or a tyrannosaurus; both models have all kinds of loose parts and bones etc. When I'm in the inserting-menu, I select all those parts. That works, except for the texture.... Thanks in advance! Thomas
  8. LunarKitten

    XREF - Bind and Insert

    I have used AutoCAD for ten years but I'm struggling to understand the difference between Bind and Insert I thought one option brought in all the layers of the Xref and preceded the layer name with $ codes, etc. so you could differentiate between what is on the live drawing and what was brought in from the Xref. And the other option combined all elements on the Xref's layer into the layer of the live drawing - so avoiding the repeated layers of above. Does that make sense?
  9. In v2002, I am able to insert a PDF image but can not rotate it. I also Insert/OLE Object a Word .doc (specs), but only get the first page. What is the best way to bring (or link) these types of files in and be able to manipulate them? How can I get the intire Word doc. (all pages) linked?
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