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Found 9 results

  1. On the fresh install of autocad on my school's computers, when drawing lines I can easily just type the length and it'll be drawn wherever my cursor is aligned when I hit enter. But on my version at home, it only allows x,y coordinates for the start and end inputs, making it way harder to do relative distances without typing out the whole @ length <angle. How do I change the inputs back to easy mode?
  2. Hi everyone, I can make select all dimension = 0 to delete as below code (setq ss5 (ssget "X2" '((0 . "DIMENSION") (42 . 0.0)))) (command "erase" ss5 "") But I don't know why it is not working sometime. Is there anyway to filter the dimensions which less than a number (<0.1) like quick select tool. Thank you.
  3. Hey, For a big height map that has height lines every 5m I would like to fake a more accurate map of one line per 1m. To do that manually it would take a crazy amount of time, so I was wondering if there is a way to do this quickly. I made this very elaborate image to show my point. In orange/yellow being the automatically generated lines (in my actual CAD file there will be 4 lines) I searched in the possibilities of array and divide, but haven't found this sort of in-between option yet. Does anybody know how I could do this or if there is already a command or plugin for this? Thanks!
  4. Dmonheart

    Mesh to solid

    (please bear with me, this is my first post and I am very new to Autodesk products) Hello I need help with a project I am attempting to do on Inventor. I used Google Sketchup to create a model and realized that it needed to be in inventor- I exported the sketchup as an .stl and imported it into inventor. However, it imported it as a mesh instead of solid. I can't figure out how to make it solid and I need it badly. (Yes, I know, I should have thought this through before using sketchup). Any help is appreciated, thank you I am using the student license for Inventor 2014
  5. Has anyone seen a dimension lisp where I could replace the text with, for example, "? /P E.O.S." automatically without having to manually do it? I have other things to use this with but if someone where to provide something like this I think I could manipulate it to what I want. Ideally, I'd like to be able to copy a dimstyle that I already have and just have a constant in place of the actual dim. This way it would keep my layers, arrow types and other settings, etc... Any ideas are appreciated! -Nobull
  6. I'm an RF engineer that works on the design of in-building RF enhancement projects for both CMRS (AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, etc.) and PLMR (public-safety, corp. security) systems. The industry standard software tool for the design of such systems is iBwave which can imported DWG plan files for use in the design. However, due to the processing demands of an RF propagation program it cannot work at the size of the original and must be reduced typically to 11x17 size and re-scaled going into iBwave. Additionally iBwave cannot directly export the resulting design in any readily usable form thus we must print the design to something like a PDF file if we need to share it outside the iBwave environment and often the contractors involved in the project desire to see it back in the original form which would mean creating a file that could be imported into AutoCAD that would be restored to the original size without loss of detail and resolution. To further complicate our life, often the DWG plan files we receive have display issues such as lines too thin be seen when reduced or employing colors that can barely be seen on the full-size plan and appear to disappear when reduced. With this info as background I am hoping that the brain trust here might be able to recommend: 1. a program capable of modifying basics such as line and text size and color on DWG files submitted to us by others and 2. a soft print driver that would allow us to create a file that can be imported into a version of AutoCAD and resized back to original size without loss of detail or resolution. The proposed solutions must be simple to employ as iBwave is a anything but user-friendly and possess numerous quirks that make it a full-time vocation leaving no time to even consider becoming a semi-competent on AutoCAD. Hopefully this is enough info to explain our circumstances and allow those of you with the expertise we lack to make a recommendation particularly since we've heard there are potential compatibility issues between versions of AutoCAD and we have little to no control over what is provided to us by clients. Any guidance or recommendation the members can provide would be greatly appreciated. If further information should be needed I will gladly do whatever I can provide it.
  7. Hi, a friend of mine recommended me this computer but I want to know if Autocad can work correctly in it It is an Asus K55VJ-SX005H Processor: Intel ® Core ™ i5-3210M Dual Core Processor Frequency: 2.5 GHz Turbo Boost: 3.1 GHz Processor Cache: 3 MB RAM: 6 GB Memory RAM Type: DDR3-1600 Hard Drive: 500 GB Graphics Card: NVIDIA ® GeForce ™ GT 635m Graphics Memory: 2GB GDDR3 dedicated Optical Drive: DVD ± RW Double Layer Card Reader: SD Card Operating System: Windows ® 8 (P.S. Sorry if my English is not the best but it isn't my first language)
  8. dirty_cat

    Spline ISSUE

    Hi, I'm using SolidWorks 2012 and when I'm trying to sketch the basic spline, the Spline Points feature is innactive. So, basically, I cannot draw it in the way I need to. Screenshot is attached. How to make it active ? Any ideas ?
  9. I do remember that there is a subforum in CT where we can ask our questions on its structure. I forgot the place. My question) I have got a keen interest to read the similar threads which helps out with issue on question. It only lists 5 threads. Is it possible to change the settings to get more than 5?
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