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Found 7 results

  1. If only QSelect weren't lying when it gives the option to search "Entire Drawing." As the title says, I'd like to be able to grab all instances of an object (typically a block) across multiple layout tabs in paper space (if it were in model, this wouldn't be a problem). The end goal being to change a property across the board. I know there's GATTE if it's a block attribute that needs changing, but that's not always the case. Ideally, some way to grab all instances with optional filters would be great. Really, I just want QSelect to have better functionality. It looks like someone addressed it here, but I'm not having any success with that method. Thanks for any help!
  2. I want to change attribute text in title blocks, calling the block by the block name, not selecting the block, looping thru all the layout tabs. The title block will have the same name on each layout. My titleblock is named TITLEBLOCK30x42, with 2 attributes SHEET-TITLE and SHEET-DESCRIPTION. This thread talks about doing the same thing. None of the small generic code posted in that thread works for me. https://www.cadtutor.net/forum/topic/63734-lisp-code-to-select-block-in-layouts-and-update-attributes/
  3. Hi, I have a few dwg shop drawings with some 80+ layout in them. I need to plot some of them but I have access to only the tabs that are shown on the screen. Is there a way to plot say the 40th sheet/tab back to the 1st tab using for example shift+home after selecting the 40th tab. I think it used to be that way in the past. I am using Autocad 2015. Thanks.
  4. Hello, Firstly,Sorry for my English and I admit I'm addicted to making enhancements in CAD drawing I'm looking for quiet simple way to copy current layout and move it to end using only some commands. I know "Move or Copy..." dialog box method but I need to do exactly the same thing using commandline. What for? I've prepared little button which places boundary of viewport in model space and copies current layout with increased number like 'Layout1 (2)'. It's very useful with long maps projects (for example: creating 200 same layouts of trace/route). Button works fine except placing duplicated layout tab behind current one. So generating another copy of layout I get reversed order. I don't know is it clear so let me explain: my first layout is named 'Sheet(1)' duplicating with my button, after this I have two tabs: 'Sheet(1)' 'Sheet(2)' duplicating with my button again, after this I have three tabs: 'Sheet(1)' 'Sheet(3)' 'Sheet(2)' As you can see 'Sheet(3) is misplaced and performing action again and again gives ...'Sheet(5)' ..(4) ..(3) ..(2)... With hundreds of layouts I need to rearrange them somehow. With publish option is so painful . Button is based on this tip and using this command: [font=helvetica][font=courier new]^C^C_pspace;_boundary;[color=red]100[/color],[color=red]100[/color];;_chspace;_l;;_layout;_c;;;[/font][/font] Note that works only on viewports that are placed somewhere about 100x100 units (it doesn't matter on layouts with only one maximized vport bigger than 100x100 - red values in code above). I am not geek yet so I don't know how to find any command performed by dialog box - maybe debug, but how? I am using AutoCAD LT so VBA or LISP is disabled for me. Please help if it possible.
  5. Hello all, I've just joined this forum and looking forward to it's friendly community! I have a problem for now, can't solve one thing - it's just somehow Xref drawing doesn't appear in layout/sheet space. Sorry for my English. If it's clear, does anyone knows how to make it? I'd appreciate it you could share, thanks.
  6. hcostanzo

    Color of layout tabs

    Does anyone know what controls the color of the layout tab that you are in? Mine is so dark I can't read what it says. When I'm in model space the text is white on a black background (which is easy to read) but all other tab names are black text on a grey backgroud. I've changed the color scheme from light to dark and back to light with no change for the highlight color of the current layout tab. Any help is much appreciated. tabs.pdf
  7. Hi, I am looking for tools be it tips and tricks or lisp that can help and make the most of layout tabs especially when I have many layout tabs in my dwg. Thanks for your helps and directions. Regards, Nicolas
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