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  1. jackiexii

    Visual Studio 2013

    Hi, I have autocad 2013 and the ultimate version of visual studio 2012 which just came out today I believe. After installing it though I could not find the autocad vb plugin when creating a new project. Is this normal because it's so new or is there something to be done to solve this? Of course I do have the latest versions of ObjectARX and Autocad .NET API as I have the plugin option on visual studio 2010 just fine. Thanks P.S I switched between .NET 4.5 and 4.0 but was unable to find the plugin in neither.
  2. RichardAlbert

    Help with simple shaft animation

    Hello everyone, I hope I am not doing something bad by posting in here....I read a ton of threads and nothing seems to help me out. I have a very simple animation which consists of a pillow block holding a shaft that sticks out 1 inch on each side. I have been trying to get this to work for DAYS now and I am getting very frustrated cause I dont know what I am doing wrong. I have assembled my shaft and pillow block correctly and managed to animate it (10 Revolutions in 20 seconds) I was also able to add a pin on one side of the shaft to lock into a pin or a connecting rod at some future point and the animation still works fine. My problem is when I try to add a lock pin to the other side of the shaft for some reason I can easily manipulate it in Assembly mode with my mouse but as soon as I try to run the animation on it with the constraints it stops working. If I suppress the constraints for the second lock pin, the animations starts working again. I dont know what im doing wrong.....please for the love of god someone help me. I am attaching a zip file with all three parts and the assembly file. I realize this is probably a real newbie problem but I am in the process of learning. I LOVE inventor. All I need now is to fully understand animations and why the heck everything goes wrong as soon as I have two parts constrained to my shaft. Thank you so much for your time and I hope this doesn't **** anyone off. Richard Simple.zip
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