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Text To Geometry 2015 Testing


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I am receiving unknown command for T2G. App is loaded and icon is there but still receiving that when I try to use in 2015.

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That's odd. I actually developed/debugged via Mechanical 2015.


Could you try to load the program explicitly by NETLOADing:


. . . . \ApplicationPlugins\STSC_TextToGeometry.bundle\Contents\Support\STSC_Text2Geom_v19.dll


Does it still give the same "Unknown Command" response?

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I used the netload command and afterwards I was able to type and use the text 2 geometry application. When I went to specify an insert point I was given a fatal error and CAD shut down.

"FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0X0000 Exception at ed569f74h"


Error report contains following files : acminidump.dmp, dmpuserinfo.xml, dumpdata.zip


Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, I am kind of new to all of this but always willing to get down and into it.

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Damn, that sounds bad. So the STSC_TextToGeometry.bundle is properly placed, but does not load the CUI, nor Dll. The Dll is loadable, but causes fatal exception.


Yikes. I hope it is just a corrupt download. In that light, perhaps you could delete the current Bundle file, and re-download/install.


In case that isn't the problem, do you recall the specifics of the Text to Geometry call? what font were you using? What settings were invoked; specifically, was "As Regions" checked?

Edited by SEANT
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The bundle is properly placed, appdata-roaming-autodesk-applicationPlugins. I was using Vladamir Script and Technic are the only 2 fonts I tried. I will download and replace again and see if that works.

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I can confirm that the add-in can work in Mechanical 2015, though that does not guarantee much . Hopefully a re-install will help.


I don't have the Vladamir font, but Technic works okay.


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After re installing it seems to work for me. I don't know why because I had tried that earlier but, oh well seems to be working fine for me. Thanks Sean!

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  • 2 months later...

Here is a re-package - to include support for AutoCAD 2016 based products.


See this thread for manual loading instructions:




It is quite possible that the code module (STSC_Text2Geom_v19.dll) will need to be unblocked. If so, see this page for instructions:




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It is quite possible that the code module (STSC_Text2Geom_v19.dll) will need to be unblocked. If so, see this page for instructions:




Mine is very similar; presuming the .ZIP file is unblocked first, the resultant files *should* all be unblocked as well (regardless of manual, or registry/context menu alternatives):


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Unblock Files"

@="C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe Unblock-File -LiteralPath '%L'"



Separately, one can also apply any given context menu to one or more specific HKCR\Folder; example:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Unblock FOO]
@="Unblock FOO"
"AppliesTo"="System.ItemPathDisplay:\"Downloads\" OR System.ItemPathDisplay:\"Documents\""

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Unblock FOO\command]
@="C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe Unblock-File -LiteralPath '%L'"





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Those are system admin shenanigans well above my pay grade. Thanks for the heads up, though. I’ll have to investigate the methodology to see how it can help with my typical app distribution/security concerns.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

I updated this app for AutoCAD 2017.




I'm interested to hear how this performs on Windows 7 based machines. Apparently some obscure quirk of that OS manifests itself as a crash bug with this app - taking AutoCAD down in the process.


At least, so I've been told. I can't reproduce that behavior in one of my systems running Win 7.


Given that Win 7 is still a supported OS for AutoCAD, the app has been pulled from the Exchange.

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  • 1 month later...
I updated this app for AutoCAD 2017.




I'm interested to hear how this performs on Windows 7 based machines. Apparently some obscure quirk of that OS manifests itself as a crash bug with this app - taking AutoCAD down in the process.


At least, so I've been told. I can't reproduce that behavior in one of my systems running Win 7.


Given that Win 7 is still a supported OS for AutoCAD, the app has been pulled from the Exchange.


Just used it in AutoCAD 2017 on Windows 10 x64 & it performed perfectly.


It would be cool if the app allowed a selection of text within the drawing & grabbed the textstring & font used.


Thanks for this tool :)

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Thanks for this tool :)


^^ This ^^ :notworthy:



The only thing I'd like to see added, is the ability to have Esc close the modal dialog/window.



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Just used it in AutoCAD 2017 on Windows 10 x64 & it performed perfectly.


It would be cool if the app allowed a selection of text within the drawing & grabbed the textstring & font used.


Thanks for this tool :)


^^ This ^^ :notworthy:



The only thing I'd like to see added, is the ability to have Esc close the modal dialog/window.




All good suggestions. Actually, the ESC key dismissal is one I hadn't heard before - I'll have to look into that as well. With regard to using drawing text as source: I originally used the excuse of potential SHX fonts, but it more accurate to say I was just taking the easy way out.


As soon as time presents itself I'll look into these items, as well as trying again to figure out that Win 7 bug. I think that probably has something to do with saving settings to the registry.

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Actually, the ESC key dismissal is one I hadn't heard before - I'll have to look into that as well.


Well if you thought of everything already, then I wouldn't be any good to you, now would I? :beer:


I *believe* that you're using a WPF Window (in lieu of a Windows Form), in which case:


public MainWindow()

   this.PreviewKeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(CloseOnEscape);

private void CloseOnEscape(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
   if (e.Key == Key.Escape)





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. . . .


I *believe* that you're using a WPF Window (in lieu of a Windows Form), in which case:


. . . .


Actually, no. It is WinForms. That app was just prior to any WPF/XAML experience on my part. it's not hard to imagine, though, that some similar keyboard event could be captured via winforms.


Or, perhaps I should just consider a UI upgrade.

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Actually, no. It is WinForms. That app was just prior to any WPF/XAML experience on my part. it's not hard to imagine, though, that some similar keyboard event could be captured via winforms.


Or, perhaps I should just consider a UI upgrade.


No worries; I still use WinForm for the VSTO + Shell Context Menu 'Project Creator' app I deployed at my office (to create new project directories, and manage INI client name, and project title metadata). I did start a WPF replacement which is pretty schnazzy, but it will be a while before I have the free time to finish it. Haha


So for WinForms, you can try using the CancelButton Property, or what I prefer is to use code similar to above:


protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) {
       if (keyData == Keys.Escape) {
           return true;
       return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);




As for a potential upgrade, I'd wait until you're ready to make it modeless before stepping up into WPF - even then, just implement a User Control and consume it via PaletteSet. :thumbsup:




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  • 2 months later...

@Seant -


I was just attempting to help someone over at Autodesk forums, and the old link I have for this at the Exchange Apps Store no longer shows your app.


I can easily provide them a link to this thread for the .bundle above, but was curious if you're no longer participating at Exchange - you're welcome to respond offline (PM, email, etc.), if that's preferred.




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