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Text To Geometry 2015 Testing


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Regrettably, my enthusiasm for code maintenance, at least as it applies to the exchange postings, has waned a bit. And the Text To Geometry app was the catalyst. For some Windows 7 based systems that app would crash, and take AutoCAD with it.


The Autodesk Exchange testers were able to reproduce the crash on one of their test setups, and the app was rightfully pulled from the store. After the Exchange reported it to me, I set up a separate system with Windows 7, but could never reproduce the crash. Neither could most of the people I've corresponded with, windows 7 or otherwise.


I don't doubt that a problem exists - it's just tough to debug an issue that can't be experienced. I suspect it has something to do with 'permissions' and how that particular App stores settings between use.


All that aside, I have let the other apps slide as well. Despite some newer projects that have captivated my attention, I've got to get my butt back in gear to update what's already on the shelves.

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I can completely relate - I've had several customers need assistance, only in my case, to find out that Autodesk unilaterally changed PackageContents.xml, or my help files without even so much as notifying me (I had to trouble shoot it myself to find out).


In any event, I'm glad that you've made a good choice for your situation, and hope it improves moving forward, my friend. :beer:




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. . . . that Autodesk unilaterally changed PackageContents.xml, or my help files without even so much as notifying me . . . .


Yikes! Their making the decision to pull an app from the shelves is one thing, that's something else entirely.


As a matter of fact, I think they should make a point to avoid meddling at the app level. They should insist that the app developer make corrections. Perhaps pull the app, if necessary. I'm sure they have plenty of issues at the Autodesk application level to keep their developers busy.


I will acknowledge that the Exchange is more likely dealing with a ''mission critical' state than the average App Store. As such, the balance of all things may be more complex. Hopefully a few more years of experience will make everything run more smoothly.


Keep plugging away, mon ami. I'll do the same.

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The printer is not working, is it turned on, yes, lights on, yes, Check correct printer chosen, yes, sure its plugged in, yes, please double check, yes, check the status of prints pending on printer, I have no idea, oh sorry some one has kicked the printer cable slightly out working now. Will the App store pull the software because it wont print ?

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  • 4 years later...
On 10/20/2020 at 11:13 PM, mock said:

hey, is it also possible to run the app on AutoCad 2021 ?  we have updatet the software, but it doesnt work :( thx a lot

Use the attached DLL and put it in a support path. Then use this to load it.

(and (> (atof (getvar 'acadver)) 18)
     (setq f (findfile "STSC_Text2Geom_v19.dll"))
     (command "_.netload" f)



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My civ3D 2020 part of a long message. Works on my older 2018 on a different laptop. Tried to find a contact for Sean T.


Command: (command "_.netload" f)
Cannot load assembly. Error details: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///D:\Alan\lisp\STSC_Text2Geom_v19.dll' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515)
File name: 'file:///D:\Alan\lisp\STSC_Text2Geom_v19.dll' ---> System.NotSupportedException:

Edited by BIGAL
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thx for the DLL-File, but it doesn't work.


got a similar error like BIGAL:

Unbekannter Befehl "T2G". Drücken Sie F1-Taste für Hilfe.
Assembly kann nicht geladen werden. Fehlerdetails: System.IO.FileLoadException: Die Datei oder Assembly "file:///C:\Users\Mock\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\STSC_TextToGeometry.bundle\Contents\Support\STSC_Text2Geom_v19.dll" oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Der Vorgang wird nicht unterstützt. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131515)
Dateiname: "file:///C:\Users\Mock\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\STSC_TextToGeometry.bundle\Contents\Support\STSC_Text2Geom_v19.dll" ---> System.NotSupportedException: Es wurde versucht, eine Assembly von einer Netzwerkadresse zu laden, was in früheren Versionen von .NET Framework zum Ausführen der Assembly als Sandkastenassembly geführt hätte. In dieser Version von .NET Framework wird die CAS-Richtlinie standardmäßig nicht aktiviert, dieser Ladevorgang kann daher gefährlich sein. Wenn Sie nicht beabsichtigen, durch diesen Ladevorgang eine Sandkastenassembly zu erstellen, aktivieren Sie den loadFromRemoteSources-Schalter. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=155569".
   bei System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly._nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
   bei System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly reqAssembly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
   bei System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadFrom(String assemblyFile, Evidence securityEvidence, Byte[] hashValue, AssemblyHashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
   bei System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(String assemblyFile)
   bei Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.ExtensionLoader.Load(String fileName)
   bei loadmgd()


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Sadly, I have no ability to test this plugin beyond AutoCAD 2016, never mind any of the verticals.  Based on ronjonp's post and loading suggestion above, it sounds like an issue with a verticals overlay code.   I couldn't even guess a suggestion on how to remedy that.   A possible fallback position may be to set up a profile to bypass the vertical and run just as AutoCAD (leave the OOTB profile for when the Vertical setup is used).  


If anyone would like I could post the source code if a Vertical users wants to set up a Visual Studio debugger to further analyze the error.

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  • 2 months later...

As with my recent upload of the STSC_uvVectorMap routine, this updated beta has had not testing in AutoCAD beyond 2018.  I've modified the 'PackageContents.xml' to allow loading in later versions, the beta testes will have to inform me of issues. 


In light of that, these bundles should be considered 'Alpha' versions.  Use accordingly.


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  • 1 year later...

Hey Al.  Given the economic realities, I probably won't acquire a seat of Bricscad any time soon.  That notwithstanding, I would like to assist the AutoCAD to Bricscad port.  


Do you know any .NET Bricscad developer?  I would be happy to work with them to assist the porting effort. 


If you are not currently acquainted with a developer, perhaps you could post to the Bricscad Developers Forum soliciting assistance, with a link to this thread.  



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Thanks for responding


The team at Bricscad are very supportive you ask a question like this and they respond. They have a developers toolkit etc. A few of us here have Bricscad.


Have a look at this 




You can download a 30 day trial version of Bricscad. I am sure there is a contact us somewhere. 


I do have a association with a company that does a Bricscad version of their software, but I dont talk with the programmers if you get real stuck PM. 


Will try to find a link for you to  Owen Wengerd or Torsten Moses who provide high level support and seem very responsive to forum coding type problems. https://forum.bricsys.com/


PS you have like 2016 going to Bricscad Pro is way cheaper than upgrading your Autocad.

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Thanks for that link, Al.  The BricsCad .NET api does look quite comprehensive.  I will look for a break in the general schedule to best utilize a one-month trial period. 


Ideally, I'd get a perpetual licence for Briscad Pro but it has become harder to justify software expenses in the current environment.  That's part of the reason I'm still using AutoCAD 2016 as my daily driver.  No doubt, you are right about the relative cost of an upgrade.


I will spend some time on the bricsys forum.  I may get tempted.  That has certainly happed before.




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Glad to help. I program 99% lisp code in Bricscad find it just as good as Autocad a few others here are Bricscad as well, very successful products like Civil Site Design + Bricscad a great combination.


Yes there are a few things not quite there but it depends on what your producing. 

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  • 7 months later...

I think I got it I will possibly work on trying to port the full routine into BCAD

Edited by LiMehful
Figured it out
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