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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, Good day to you all.I'm new to this forum. I hope you people can help me out. I'm working on, automatic creation of title block with required scale setting in 'Model space' not in layout. by clicking a button or comment, it should ask the user to select the 'title blocks' among the list, which is in 1:1 scale. Then it should ask the user to select the scale among '1:2, 1:10, 1:20'. once selected it should scale the title block(eg. if 1:10 selected entire title block to be scaled to 10). also the size of dimension arrow and text size to be changed accordingly. Also we have a set of 10 drawing each as a blocks in it which we will be using as symbols on drawings. that should also get scaled accordingly whenever they gets inserted. please help.
  2. I am trying to convert a drawing from mm to inches which should be totally simple. Everytime I scale it in the drawing it becomes completely unreadable and looks insane. When I block the entire drawing and try to insert it into a new drawing set in inches it is huge and I cant pan or see anything except the corner of the lowest wall and the program starts acting glitchy. I'm not sure if the way the original drawing was set up could have something to do with this? I'm working in autocad 15 for mac. Any help would be really appreciated!
  3. I am trying to scale a drawing to make it a 10 to 1 scale for X to Y. I have read people's posts about making it a block then changing the scale, but I am lost. I have made the object a block but can't find out how to change the scale or explode the block again. Any help is great!
  4. Hi all, Ok, so I am a newbie here (and to AutoCAD). I did attend a beginners 4-day course a few months ago (before I got CAD in work) and I've forgotten half of it. I started on a new template - changed 'units' to architectural as this project needs to be measured in feet & inches. I started a general floor plan (mainly by using straight lines to mark out rooms etc.) All fairly simply. Then I came to putting in doors and went straight to 'blocks' only to find that there obviously wasn't any there. Through the help of online tutorials, I've drafted a new block called 'door' designed it (straight line & arc etc.) and edited the block to apply 'stretch' and 'flip' commands. All ok. I set up a new layer called 'Doors' (just in case I want to hide them at some point) and set it as 'current'. When I inserted a block of the door - the scale of it is totally wrong? I went back in to block editor and the door is set up properly. The properties say all measurements are correct, but the inserted door is tiny. (I can obviously adjust it on screen to look right, but when I use the measure tool to check - what should be a 3'6" door it only measures 1'10" - even though it looks right?) I've tried block editor a million times - and tool palettes too, but I can't figure out why the door is not inserting into the drawing to scale? Please help - I'm hitting my head off a brick wall here... Thanks in advance.
  5. Back ground: My blocks are comming in at the wrong size. I read a post some time back that had the setvar as a side note tidbit that talked about it. I wrote it on a stick note but the dang thing fell behind my 300 lb desk. I have done a search for it but, can't remember what I was looking for when I found it. I'd ask facilities to move my desk to get it but frankly, those guys scare the bejesus out of me:unsure: They have no disernable necks. . . .that's just not natural! The real question: Does anyone know the setvar that effects a blocks ability to be inserted at the dimscale? my dimscale is 20 and my blocks are coming in at 1.67. Dainty arn't they?
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