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Found 9 results

  1. rkmcswain

    Forum performance

    Just a note to say thanks for maintaining this site. It's a pleasure to come here, read a question, type out a response and see it instantly appear to help the other user(s). Image attachments via drag+drop work flawlessly too. It is noticed and appreciated. Cheers!
  2. Hi, was wondering if there was any routine which would automate dimensions in an architectural plan. This is present in refit, and we could have it in Autocad where we could draw a line through a floor plan and "stretch" the dimensions of all the intersecting lines to a convenient point. Thanks
  3. AutoCAD seems to react very, very slow on commands spelled in a wrong way. I takes ages to get to 'unkown command'. Anybody has a method to make this faster?
  4. When I am not at work, hanging with buds, or watching football (Go Colts), I can ussually be found playing Xbox or PC games such as Starcraft or LOL. When I play games on the computer I tend to be very competitive. As a result, I own gaming input devices such as a gaming mouse or gamepad. However, these can also be used in AutoCAD to boost speed greatly. The mouse sitting at my desk is a Cyborg RAT 7, dubbed the transforer mouse. Using only my mouse I can switch between four different layers, and activate 8 different commands all without ever touching the keyboard or leaving the model space. Gamepads let you have more accessible hotkeys. No matter how fast you are at moving your cursor or typing in a command, hotkeys set up on a mouse or pad are quicker! Hope you enjoy this tip and that it will help speed up your drafting!
  5. tmccar

    Vault Tests

    We are looking at rolling out Vault 2012 to approx. 50 users in 5 sites and we have not decided whether to have a local Vault server/SQL server at each site, or use one server located at a datacenter. What I am hoping to do is to do some comparison tests with the local Vault server and the remote datacenter server. I can use single 3D Inventor parts, complex Inventor assemblies and 2D Autocad drawings. I would appreciate any advice on how I can do some useful speed/timing testing that will provide good feedback on what solution is best for us. I was trying to list some test parameters but all I have come up with so far is 1. Check out Inventor part 2. Make changes and check in 3. Check out complex assembly 4. Change part of assembly and check in. And for each point, I would record "Time taken on local server" and "Time taken on remote server" What further testing can I carry out on Vault functionality?
  6. My machine specs core i7 having a core i7 one would think it would be lag free and so and so but it wasnt until a week ago where i decided to dive into the problem anyway i know ive posted this before but... 1st: copied acad directory to c:\programfiles(x86) maybe it did, maybe it didnt, 2nd: switched windows from using more resources towards programs to background services 3rd: i switched eveything on in the 3d config menu and tesselations to cache to 10, hardware acceleration, on 4th that is all autocad works just as great as it did on previous machine which had a core 2 duo rated at 2ghz with 4gb of ram ehh im autocad problem free ahh 1 more thing it has nothing to do with what i did, but i used to do this to solve the problem i logged into another account then switched users and logged into the account in which i planned to run autocad on without logging of the other account, it worked too
  7. im running on a core i7 laptop the computer is top of the line but autocad slows down on it, i remember hearing something about program files and program files x86 architecture folder which is on 32 bit cpus, though i remember while using 3ds max 64 bit it crashed with the Parray particle system, but when i used the 32 bit version it worked flawlessly, im not sure if it has anything to do with it but i COPIED the Entire autocad 2011 folder from c:/programfiles to C:/ Programfiles(x86) and launched autocad from that folder and i noticed a significant speed increase; with little lag due to external components from other dwg files merged into the main dwg. it worked for me but maybe theres another reason for the all of the sudden speed increase just fyi i got my graphics card set on OPTIMAL QUALITY and in autocad 3dcofig command i got everything turned on number of tessalations to 6 Before i had the current computer i had a powerful hp laptop with a core 2 duo and autocad was extremely fast and i was able to work efficiently problem free on autocad 2010 yes i get versions as soon as they come out , ahm well yeah switching to a core i7 i expected better performance wich i didnt experience until now
  8. Hey, im creating a rather intense model for a Project. I am a Landscape Architecture student at Penn State, and i hate using the 2D Fallow me trees. I have explored the 2.5D trees and found a few that i like, but i am really trying to get the best quality for my work and would still prefer the full 3D trees. I have come across many trees that are extremely detailed, and i really appriciate it . The problem that i am encountering is that some of these trees, when panning and zooming, slow down my system tremendously, while some trees are absolutely fine. I've been looking into the difference between these trees and the only thing that i could pull out of my comparisons is that the trees that become slow use images mapped to flat surfaces to create their leaves. In contrast, The other HighPoly trees that run fine regardless of how many there are use only solid colors and are sometimes a bit transparent. I have uploaded a sample project to 3D Warehouse. Please search "Tree Speed Test" No Quotes) to view my example. Hopefully you can guys can help me out; im really looking for the best quality of work for my project and would like to know what to do to achieve it! Thank you so much in advance
  9. Looking to buy new laptop with 64 bit Windows 7 operating system -will 32bit AutoCAD (LT 2009) still work on this machine?
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