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  1. Hi, In our architectural drawings, we mark out Doors and windows using a single block, where we feed in the Block tag, and Size depending on the location on the plan. For example, we insert the block "Doortag", and feed in the attributes of Door Tag, and Size. We would have several instances of inserting this same block with different tags and sizes. IN a normal block, we would change one block, and all similar blocks would change, however, with attributes, all similar blocks with similar tags and sizes do not change. we would need to identify all similar blocks manually and use a lisp routine to change the tags and sizes. Is there a way of picking one such item (all are similar blocks unfortunately), change the tag and / or size, and all the similar blocks would get changed ???? Also, as another request, could we make a table to tabulate the blocks, tags, sizes, and numbers.???? I'm attaching a simple drawing to illustrate the issue. Thanks & Regards blocktag example.dwg
  2. Hi! I am just new here and also a newbie in doing lisp routines. I was wondering if there is an autolisp that could possibly delete a text value of a specific attribute text inside a block of a block. I don't want to totally delete the attribute, just the value. I already tried several examples on the internet but doesn't really get to my satisfaction and as to how I want it to be. The only available lisp routine that I found so far is just yes, deleting the value but only works if the block attribute is outside the title block or even inside the title block itself but not when the attribute block is already inside a block of the title block. I need to do this for over 80 drawings and I was hoping to not doing it in an old fashioned way of opening each drawing just to edit-in-place the title block and then deleting the value of that attribute. Can anyone help me please? that would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  3. So, here's the problem. I have been working on a lisp routine since July, and am rapidly approaching the finish line. At this point, I'm trying to make small improvements to make the program easier to use. My last major hurdle is dealing with the local variables that are erased whenever a file is closed. I'm trying to create a block that will be inserted at the end of each iteration of the lisp routine. When inserted, the block will fill roughly a dozen individual attributes. The idea is that when the lisp routine is run it will: 1.) Look for this block. 2.) Read the attribute values contained in the block. 3.) Set a group of variables to the values of the attributes. While I have seen many sites and threads devoted to setting attributes to a variable, I have not seen any that go in the reverse order (provided that the attributes actually have a value, of course). Any thoughts, suggestions? I sincerely doubt that anyone wants to thumb through 100 pages of text, but I do have a small file to practice with, if anyone is curious.
  4. Hi This is my first post in this awesome forum:). I’ m newbie in drafting Kindly help me with a lisp program. That Asks the user to select various texts in the drawing Places an attribute text over the selected text without replacing them Makes an attribute block with that att texts The values of the att block should contain the texts Note: the tag name should be following a number system (If I have selected 3 texts then the tag names can be antas1,antas2,antas3 or yourname1,yourname2,yourname3:P) Please help me. Daily I have to spend one hell of time in this work:cry: .
  5. Hi somebody please help me with a lisp program, which changes the layer of all tags in an attribute block into single layer selected by the user.
  6. [PROBLEM SOLVED] Hi, Is it possible to make a dynamical block where the attribute is horizontal in combination of the alignment parameter (not rotate)? If I align to an arc the attribute need to stay at an horizontal position. Greetings.
  7. Hello Everyone, I'm using AutoCad 2014 and have Microsoft office 2007. I use attributes in every drawing. Most have identifications as 1-01 which stands for Floor 1-Item #01 or 3-27 which stands for Floor 3-Item#27. When I use the data extraction, I extract it to the drawing, everything is correct at this point. Then export to a CSV file. If I open the CSV file in Excel all of my attributes turn into dates 1-Jan or 27-Mar. If I try to turn the column back to general or text it becomes some 5 digit number. Is there a way to export the data into excel but it keep the formating of the data in Cad?
  8. Hopefully someone can help me out there that is much more experienced. I thank you in advance for any help provided! The drawing: I have created a dynamic block (see attached below) I have two versions in the drawing, one that is setup using text, and the other using attributes. The text version is exactly how I want my dynamic block to react. In addition I'm also having a similar issue with another window block that did work correctly, not is not working correctly. Dynamic Blocks.dwg The issue: The kitchen layout, when trying to use the move actions, my attributes are not moving correctly, they are offset and move sporadically, or other attributes are moving that I don't want. Its even more wired because the bottom portion on the cabinet island works perfect, the refrigerator/range part does not work properly. The window block attribute will not rotate anymore, it used to when I first created it. I really hope someone can help me, because I'm really stumped and can't find a solution to why this is happening anywhere. I thought I understood by locking the attributes, but that's not working in this case and its very frustrating. Is there possibly a system variable that needs to be changed? Again thank you in advance for anyone that can help me. Version: 2014 LT (if anyone needs the file down saved I can do that) Solution: Window- Match orientation was previously checked when creating attribute, created new attribute, reassigned actions, attsync block. Kitchen- Attributes needed to be named differently
  9. Hi Everyone, I created two blocks with attributes which behave nicely until I try to do a data extraction. The data table results in "phantom" attribute values:shock:. I'll focus on one of the blocks because they are both acting the same when doing data extraction. I'm annotating a 3D drawing in model space. I created a block with two attributes on layer 0 then erased the block after creating it. I then created a new layer for the attribute and placed 30 of them where I wanted. It looks like I messed up during creating the block in that the extracted table indicates one extra block (31) by listing its default values although there is no visible instance of it in the drawing (a phantom). I've tried unsuccessfully to isolate this phantom block a number of ways, . I've set attdsp on, manipulated layers, used qselect (the phantom block doesn't show up in that), copied out parts of the drawing and tried using the purge command. The only limited success I have had is using the "find" command where I can make the attribute value visible by "zoom to the highlighted result" but of course it disappears the moment I close the dialog box. At least this has allowed me to pinpoint where the phantom value is located in the drawing but I can't figure out how to delete it. Btw, I have only the "block attribute value" box checked in the search options section of the dialog box. As I mentioned, I think I messed up back when I first created the blocks. I've done everything I can think of short of starting the annotation process over. Any suggestions on how I might unravel this birds nest I've created would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking, macsee
  10. Hei. Im looking for a routine that replaces selected blocks. In addition i want the replaced blocks to have the same attributevalue as the old blocks. The blocks have the same attributes. I have found many routines that replaces selected blocks, but they all overwrites the original attribute values.
  11. I am trying to simplify my companies current process of updating BOM. We currently type all part dimensions in an excel spread sheet to get the weight of different group of materials. I wanted to make a lisp that after changing one or many of the dimensions in the BOM blocks it would recalculate the weight, avoiding any typo errors when manually recalculating. Ideally it would compare the item number (eg "37014") and then multiply the 2 dimensions and quantity. Then add all of items and put the total in the bottom right block of that group (eg "753.5") I am not sure how to start this lisp any help will be greatly appreciated. all the blocks are called "97bill" and the attributes are "bubbleno" "qty" "material" "itemnumber" "total-units". Thanks
  12. Hello all. I've lurked here for some time absorbing knowledge from various threads. I have finally run into a problem that I don't think the existing knowledge base covers. Here is my issue: I am attempting to create a circle keynote. The circle part of the keynote shall resize itself according to the width of the text in a fashion similar to how the TCIRCLE command draws a circle around text. I've banged my head against the wall all day trying to get this to work with dynamic blocks, but it is beyond me. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  13. Hi there, I´m working with attribute blocks, and someone made an excel file with some data that has more than 1 line (That could be achieved pressing ALT+ENTER in excel) however when inserting the data with a coordinates MACRO, that attribute I can't edit those other lines of data, and when adding any information the other lines of data will be erased. Hope my hard english doesn't confuse you guys. Attached you can find both the excel and the .dwg the data is not the same, but the block has the same attributes EXAMPLE.xls example.dwg
  14. I was able to find this Lisp Routine "ATTOUT" forexctracting attributes into an Excel document. I currently have blocks createdthat contain 4 different attribute values. These attributes are exctracted in creating B.O.M's to automate Mfg. processes in conveyor equipment construction.In devloping the B.O.M a specific format is required by the company I work for.Currenntly the Lisp routine does not extract the data in the format I wouldlike. I need this Lisp to "count"the number of blocks and output them into an excel table that follows the format "Qty" "Part #" "Descripition" (See BOM Tab of attached DWG). Model space contains a sampleof some of the blocks that are being used. I have very little experience writing Lisp, and in order to modify the codewould be beyond my abilities. Any helpthat can be provided would be greatly appreciated. Thank You LayoutExample.dwg ATTOUT.LSP
  15. cmlucifer

    Section Callout

    Need some attribute help, The company I work for uses this attached block for calling out sections. I would like to know if its possible to enter the variable once and both change at the same time or if there is completely new approach than the block I submitted? Thanks Carlo Section Call.dwg
  16. Hello All, I need a way to count furniture blocks that are located in specific ROOMS. More specifically, I'm looking for a way to select MULTIPLE different blocks at once (with a WINDOW selection) and label them a specific room number. I don't want every block with the same properties universally updated (since some will be in other rooms). I also don't want to have to select each block in every room and update its attributes manually (this would both take a long time and things may be re-located over time). I would like to be able to print a report and compare it to our Microsoft Access database. I know there are other furniture-CAD programs that will do this, but is AutoCAD capable of doing this on its own? I have millions of square feet to check furniture for and this would save me days- if not weeks of time! PLEASE HELP!
  17. When you extract information from attribute blocks to form a spreadsheet can you specify that the spreadsheet also lists the co-ordinates x,y, z for that blocki? For example, you have an attribute block with information regarding, station number, chine number. When I extract the information I would like to list the x, y co-ordinate point of the circle block Regards, Brant6
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