CADTutor: The best free help for AutoCAD on the web

Popular Tutorials

Tutorials with the most visits per day

Drawing Objects

Getting to grips with AutoCAD's basic drawing tools. This is an ideal start for the AutoCAD beginner.

Popularity: 240.51 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 1,635,723

Units and Scales

If you're asking yourself "what scale do I draw in?" or "what units should I use?", you need this tutorial.

Popularity: 127.09 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 864,381

Modifying Objects

This tutorial runs through all of the modify tools, demonstrating practical examples in each case.

Popularity: 111.76 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 760,111


This tutorial describes the options and commands available for dimensioning drawings and how to use them. The correct use of AutoCADs dimension tools is the key to producing clear and concise measured drawings.

Popularity: 111 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 754,904

Basic 3D and Surface Modelling

Although AutoCAD has a number of commands for creating special 3D objects, a lot can be achieved by changing the properties of basic 2D objects like polylines. This tutorial provides a basic introduction to creating and viewing 3D objects.

Popularity: 100.39 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 682,777

Object Snap

A tutorial giving an overview of all the AutoCAD object snaps (osnaps) with some worked examples. The tutorial also covers the use of temporary tracking points and object snap tracking.

Popularity: 95.79 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 651,476

Entering Survey Data using AutoCAD

These techniques apply to basic CAD programs such as AutoCAD, IntelliCAD, etc. If you have a civil/survey program or add-on, such as Land Desktop, SurvCADD, Eagle Point, etc., then there are built-in tools for entering lines and curves.

Popularity: 95.16 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 631,052

User Co-ordinate Systems

This tutorial describes what UCSs are, why we need them and how to use them. The correct use of UCSs with AutoCAD is the key to producing good 3D models and they can also help with 2D work.

Popularity: 66.77 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 454,112

Object Selection

This tutorial shows you the many ways AutoCAD objects can be selected. Covers the building of selection sets with implied windowing, fences etc.

Popularity: 61.32 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 417,067

AutoCAD to Photoshop

This tutorial demonstrates a number of workflows from quick and simple to high quality.

Popularity: 64.42 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 438,095

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AutoCAD 2010: 3D Array

AutoCAD 2010: 3D Array | AutoCAD

This tutorial introduces 3D Array tool and covers both Rectangular and Polar arrays. Despite the fact that it doesn't have a neat dialogue box, like its 2D cousin, 3D Array is pretty easy to use and can be used to create some impressive results. Running time: 3min 34sec

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