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Found 6 results

  1. I remember coming across a function that would highlight or mark a specified drawing area. Kind of like what you get when the hatch command detects a gap in the boundry selected. Small red circles that remain until a regen or redraw. Did I imagine it or does such a function exist? I know it can be replicated by some sort of entmake or grvecs/grdraw combo... but like I mentioned I thought I remember seeing that exact function somewhere. Anyway thanks for your time.
  2. Objects selected during erase command appear grayed/subdued. I would prefer them to be dashed. I've already changed "selectioneffect" and "preselectioneffect" to "0." Selection of objects within "Move", and "Rotate" commands, as well as selection of objects when no command is active appear as dashed line, but for some reason these changes don't affect objects within erase command. Anyone know how to fix this?
  3. I have two different blocks overlapped on each other which have similar or same geometries. I want to verify the visual difference on both the blocks. I want to verify if the vendor block contains the same geometry as mine. Here is what I'm thinking and Need lisp for: I want to select the first block, deselect it, select the other one, deselect it and then this process should be looped till I can visaully find difference between blocks by select/highlight method without grips. If possible to add timer between selection & deselection process would make things easier and allow zoom and pan while still looping. Can anybody help me please?
  4. I have a table in AutoCAD Architecture 2013. If I click in a cell, acad highlights the cell with extremely thick borders, as shown in the image below. I guess this was because of the table line weight settings, so I tried to change the table style, cell style, set different grid line weight for all grid lines, etc. Nothing works. Here is the dwg file. CellHighlight.dwg Thanks for any suggestions!
  5. I have existing drawings that I copy and manipulate into new ones. I have a drawing of a conveyor line that has some segments "highlighted" with a yellow hatch that appears to follow a single line. The conveyor layout has been changed. So I need to update the drawing for the new layout. I'm wondering how this was drawn. I cannot explode the hatch to copy parts of it. I'm thinking there was probably a simple way to get the hatch to follow the drawn line. Putting boundaries around the drawn line to hatch in would be rather time consuming. Is there a simple function I don't know about?
  6. Hello CADTutorians, How can I highlight (select) a file after opening the containing folder by AutoLISP?
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